New restrictions and rules have been implemented to deal with the distancing required by the pandemic. These news rules are likely to be fluid as the number of researchers on campus increases. Please check back regularly. Failure to abide by these rules will result in loss of access to the facility; ignorance of the rules will not be an acceptable excuse.


NMR Facility and Cryogenic Services – Reopen plan
May 20th, 2020 – University of Central Florida
David Richardson (
Some of the initial details and aspects of this plan may change as the number of researchers using the facility increases over time; any changes will be posted accordingly. These rules are to be considered an addendum to, and superseded by, all rules posted by the Office or Research ( These rules are always in effect and violations will result in a loss of access to the facility.
  • NMR Facility (PSB 318)
    – Only the 400, with sample changer and operated in automation, will be accessible.
    – Only one person in the lab at a time (note this may overlap with facility staff but proper distance will be maintained).
    – Only one researcher (or more depending on size and schedule of research group) from each lab should load and retrieve samples one or two times per day. Coordinate with your lab mates so all samples can be submitted simultaneously. Limit entry to the facility.
    – Reservations to load and retrieve samples must be made online ( No one should enter the lab without a reservation. The reservation increment has been changed to 30 minutes. Please arrive and leave in the middle-third of your reservation to avoid overlap with another researcher.
    – The sample holders, keyboard, and mouse will be cleaned with alcohol periodically throughout the day. Regardless, and as always, wash your hands before and after accessing the facility. Proper PPE must be worn at all times.
  • Liquid Nitrogen (PSB 122 and outside cage)
    – Due to the limited number of users and frequency of use, the possibility for overlap of users is relatively low.
    – The key to the cage will remain in PSB 122 and procedures will remain the same. If the key is not hanging, assume someone is outside in the cage and return in 20-30 minutes.
    – A shared pen (and key) will still be used. For the sake of safety, assume the key and pen are contaminated. Avoid touching your face and wash your hands before and after retrieving nitrogen.
    All shared PPE has been removed from the cabinet. You must bring your own gloves and face shield. Do not transfer cryogens without proper PPE.
  • Liquid Helium (PSB 122)– This is already a highly-limited-use facility, with all access coordinated and scheduled in advance. There is no overlap between facility staff and users. Already existing PPE protocols and the rules implemented by OR for individual research groups should be sufficient.