File Transfer Guide

  • Download and install an ssh/sftp client. There are many choices, but I recommend FileZilla – you want the client, not the server.
  • Open your sftp client and connect to desired instrument computer.
  • The settings in various programs might be called different things, but the following is what you need:
    • Host or Host Name **note these are temporary addresses due to the facility relocation**:
      • 400 –
      • 500 –
      • 600 –
    • Protocol: sftp or ssh; if you have to manually specify a port, it is port 22.
    • Username/Password:
      • 400 – use the icon user account and password (contact me if you are unsure).
      • 500/600 – use your user account and password you use to login to the computer (note it is your username, NOT your actual name nor your email address).
  • When you login it should automatically start you in your home folder.
    • Find your data in:
      • 400 – /NMR Data/$yourusername/
      • 500/600 – /NMR Data/
  • Now it is your basic file transfer window. One side is the local computer and the other is the instrument computer; move/copy as desired.
  • Notes:
    • It can be useful to hide all the various hidden and temporary files/folders. In FileZilla click View, Filename filters, check Useless Explorer files, Temporary and backup files, and Configuration files on both sides, click OK.
    • No more flash drives! Now that the computers are networked, flash drives are unnecessary and pose a needless security threat to the instruments.
    • If you lab/group has a networked data server for storing/backing up experimental data, let me know and I can setup an automatic nightly transfer.