IGEL 2022 Conference Program

DAY 2 – JULY 15

08:00 – 8:45: Coffee reception in Gathertown
Icebreaker topic: What is your major distraction when conferencing from home?

8:45 – 10:05:

Parallel Session 2

Changing Hearts
Chair: Victoria Pöhls
Computational Linguistics and Interactivity
Chair: Victoria Lagrange
Can Literary Refugee Narratives Decrease In-Group Bias? An Experimental Reader-Response Study Using Implicit Methods
Victoria Pöhls
Impact and Fiction
Olivia Fialho/Peter Boot
Narrative Persuasion Through Transportation into Songs and Affective Responses
Ayelet Har-Even
Void or Connection? Representations of Altered Consciousness in American Science Fiction 1960-1979: A Computational-Stylistic Corpus Analysis
Elizabeth Oakes
Victimization Triggers Spontaneous Side-Taking in narratives
Claire Woodward
Conceptualizing Narrative-Based Video Games as a Narrative Modality
Heather Ness-Maddox

Pawn-Playing and Biased Empathy: Interactive Fiction Promotes Single-Perspective Empathy and Linear Fiction Multi-Perspective Empathy
Victoria Lagrange
Keynote Speaker: Richard Jean So
Racial Critique, Data Science, and Literary Studies

This talk explores the affordances of new methods in data science, such as machine learning, for the analysis of literature and culture. It will argue that a critical and reflexive use of such methods can facilitate new discoveries for literary studies, and that the two paired together can represent an important new form of cultural analysis, particularly for the study of race and literature. The talk is anchored by a case study that explores the post-war US novel, especially Black and Asian American fiction in a comparative racial context.
Chair: Federico Pianzola
Fifteen Minute Break
Maybe a power walk around the block?

11:15-12:15 Workshop: Setting up a Multiple Lab Research Network
We aim to broaden the scope of the empirical study of literature by translating instruments and materials in a broad range of languages and cultures. To that end we are currently setting up an international network of research groups to apply for a COST-Action Networking grant (www.cost.eu). With that grant we could stimulate cross-cultural replication within our field by developing a repository of Open Access measures, stimulus materials, protocols and data sets available in a wide range of languages. Ultimately, we would like to develop this endeavour into a course-based research experience for undergraduate students, in which we can teach undergraduate students research skills by involving them in multiple labs studies.  

We are looking for researchers in our IGEL community who would like to help us brainstorm issues like: What resources would need to be available to researchers just starting out in empirical literary studies? What could we do as a network to promote our field in economically disadvantaged countries? And how could we support our colleagues coming from economically disadvantaged countries? 
Workshop leaders: Amir Harash & Moniek Kuijpers
12:30 – 1:30 Poster Session in Gathertown
Grab your lunch or dinner and come join us in Gathertown, so you can ask our poster presenters all of your questions
Keynote Speaker: Emily Troscianko
Research Associate, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH)
13:30 – 14:30
Title: Cognitive and health humanities in the borderlands of academia

Abstract:  It’s seven years since I last had an academic job or funding, so I was surprised (as well as honoured) to be invited to give this talk. I took advice from several people whilst planning it, and one gave me a helpful off-the-cuff set of keynote formats to choose from: 1) greatest hits, 2) the deep dive, 3) the call to arms, 4) the under-appreciated thing, and 5) the next big thing. I decided to cheat by trying to do a bit of all of them, framed by some questions (and provisional answers) about the ethics and pragmatics of having an “alt-ac” career that involves doing research and publishing in academic journals as an unpaid side hustle—an increasingly interesting prospect to many researchers confronting academia’s various deteriorating cost/benefit ratios. 

As a case study, I take my latest experiment: a (to my knowledge) unprecedented pre-publication study in which a book I wrote about my anorexia and recovery is tested for potential negative effects on readers, with explicit quantitative cutoffs below which it won’t be published. I report on the methods and findings together with an overview of the many “non-academic” (personal and professional) factors that fed into the experiment’s genesis and design, alongside an important research impulse: refusing to assume that “it’s a book so it must do good”. I link these details with a shallow dive into bibliotherapy; some personal greatest hits connecting the health humanities (HH) with cog lit studies (or CLSci); slightly ironic takes on the under-appreciated and next big things; and not one but two calls to arms. The first asks how to bridge the strange HH/CLSci divide; the other insists on the distinction between investigating interpretation (which can constitute useful research) and doing interpretation (which is much easier, and can’t). Finally, this distinction brings us back round to the alt-ac complexities by posing a stark question about the value of our research: If we weren’t being paid to do it, how much of it would we keep doing, and why? 
Chair: Paul Sopcak
Fifteen minute break
15 minute BREAK (Get some fresh air or a nice cup of coffee)


Parallel Session 3

Emotions during reading
Chair: Jan Auracher

Cognitive Aspects of Literature
Chair:Inge van de Ven

Book Reviews as a Proxy for Reader Response: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Focusing on Emotions
Federico Pianzola
Are Literary Readers Close Readers? An Explorative Survey Study of Reading, Attention, and Cognitive Patience
Inge van de Ven
Sound-Meaning Relations in Japanese Tanka
Jan Auracher
Emergent Meaning II. An SEM model of the Relations Between the Emergent Meaning of Poetic Metaphors, Metaphors of Personal Identification, and Sublime Feeling
Shawn Douglas
The Emotional Rewards of Narratives
Fritz Breithaupt
“All my Characters Die”: Bibliotrauma in Memories of Literature
Lovro Škopljanac
Exploring the semiotics of reading emotions through an innovative annotation tool for text-based sources : a preliminary study based on a sample of letters written by French contemporary readers.
Elena Prat
Reception in Gathertown
Depending on where you are: coffee, aperitif or nightcap