Mathematical Biology Seminar

The mathematical biology seminar meets approximately weekly each semester at the University of Central Florida. It serves as an open forum for those interested in this wide research area. All are welcome to participate in these engaging sessions.

Date Speaker Title (click to view detailed information)
April 10, 2024 Brendan Shrader (UCF Mathematics) Investigating the impact of Long-COVID and other post-infection conditions on long-term infectious disease dynamics
April 3, 2024 Seoyun Choe (UCF Mathematics) Investigation and Optimal Control Strategies in Multi-Patch Models for Epidemiological Dynamics
March 13, 2024 Christen Fleming (UCF Biology) Stochastic process models of animal movement, maximum entropy, and approximation theory
March 6, 2024 Zhisheng Shuai (UCF Mathematics) Population Dynamics in Stream Networks

Visit our archive page to view past talks.