Workshop on Differential Equations and Applications in Biology

The International Workshop Differential Equations and Applications in Biology will be held at the University of Central Florida during March 12-13, 2020. (Due to coronavirus concerns, the workshop has been CANCELLED)

Differential equations have been used to improve understanding and modeling of complex biological processes. Examples of these biological processes include biochemical reactions, cancer and tumor growth, chemotaxis, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, invasive ecological species, pattern formation and wound healing. Mathematical biology is the use of common mathematical frameworks to understand disparate biological questions, ranging from cellular and neural systems to population and ecosystem dynamics. These common mathematical themes include nonlinear differential equations, dynamical systems, and partial differential equations.

In this workshop we will bring together people across themes of differential equations to review the current state-of-the-art of applications to biological processes, and to discuss the emerging theoretical developments and new mathematical challenges.

Plenary Speakers (* cancelled)

Invited Speakers


The online registration form can be accessed via this link.

Workshop Organizers
