Thank you to everyone who came out to our first general body meeting of the semester! It was great seeing some new faces as well as familiar faces from previous years. Hope to see you at the future events we have planned!
Aug 20 2023
Opening Knight 2023! (not 2023 factorial :D)
Hey everyone, if you were able to stop by our table during Opening Knight, thanks a lot! The event was a success and it was extremely fun to be able to meet all of you. We do have our first general body meeting very soon, so stay tuned for that. We’re super excited to discuss what we have in store for you this year! See you soon!
Mar 24 2023
2023-24 CMS Election Results
Congratulations to our officers for 2023-24. We had a great run this year with the reestablishment of the math club and are optimistic for what we can accomplish next year! For now, enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you again in the fall!
Our next GBM happening on Friday, march 10th, 4:00 @ MSB 359
Hello everyone !
Some announcements for this week’s GBM:
As mentioned before this Friday we have officer nominations and next meeting (3/24) we have the elections themselves!
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Officer Elections
Anyone who is interested in an officer position should plan to attend both the March 10 and March 24 meetings.
upcoming events (From Feb 28th to March 3rd) – Also available on Calender
Below are some events that are happening this week:
next GBM is Friday, February 24 at 4:00pm in MSB 121
Our next general body meeting will be this Friday, February 24 at 4:00pm in MSB 121! We will be holding a math trivia contest!
Our Next GBM Feb 10th, 4:00-5:00 @ MSB 359
Hi everyone,
Our next general body meeting will be at 4:00pm this Friday, February 10 in MSB 359!
Dr. Brennan will come by to talk about two new undergraduate mathematics courses being offered this fall: Lie Theoretic Methods in Geometric Mechanics and Computational Algebra!
In addition, @Daniel Alfonso-Travieso will be giving a talk about set theory and infinite cardinalities! We hope to see you all there!
Also, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @ucf.cms if you aren’t already!
MCM Follow up
Below are the dates and times for the MCM/ICM training meetings. I am not sure what specific information will be at each meeting yet, but I will edit this message if/when I find out. Anyone is welcome to stop by, even if you don’t intend to compete.