Speaker: Dr. Jason Swanson (University of Central Florida)

When: Friday, November 4, 2022  (11/04/22)

Time: 1pm – 2pm

Where: MSB 318

Introduction to mathematical logic II: A calculus for propositional logic.

Abstract: This is the first in a series of talks about mathematical logic. We follow the text, *A
Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic* by Rautenberg. This series will survey the material
covered in the first three chapters. These chapters introduce propositional and first order logic.
After that, the book continues with logic programming and model theory. Then, in Chapter 6,
Rautenberg presents Gödel’s incompleteness theorem. Topics in the first three chapters include
models, Hilbert calculi, completeness, and compactness.




Friday, November 4, 2022  (11/04/22)

Location: ZOOM    (

When: 12 pm – 1 pm

Speaker: Zeinab Mansour, Cairo University, Egypt

Abstract: : Lidstone expansions express an entire function f(z) in terms of the values of the
derivatives of even orders at 0,1. The polynomials in the expansion are called Lidstone
polynomials. They are Bernoulli polynomials; many authors introduced necessary and (or)
sufficient conditions for the absolute convergence of the series in the expansion. The classical
exponential function plays an essential role in deriving the Lidstone series. In the q theory, we
have three q-difference operators, the Jackson q-difference operator, the symmetric qdifference operator, and the Askey-Wilson q-difference operator. Each operator is associated
with a q-analog of the exponential function. This talk introduces q-extensions to the Lidstone
expansion associated with these operators. New three q-analogs of Bernoulli polynomials with
nice properties are coming out. Finally, we introduce an extension of the Leeming and
Sharma Lidstone expansion theorem.




Wednesday, November 2, 2022   ( 11/02/22 )

Location:  MSB 318

Time: 10am-11am


Dr. Reid will have his first Putnam Competition practice

It will take place tomorrow at 5PM in MSB 318!


  • This is a great time to learn about many different math electives.

Jordin Rosser: The Bridge Between OMC and CMS

UCF Computer Science student Jordin Rosser is an awesome volunteer with the Orlando Math Circle. Thanks for all that you do!

Our very own Jordin Rosser was featured in an Orlando Math Circle article for her volunteering efforts! Check out the article here:


Carolyn Euliano Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics

Here’s a scholarship opportunity for junior/senior math majors! Follow the link below for more information. This is an annual scholarship so if you don’t qualify this year, strongly consider applying next year.

Application deadline is June 14th.

Graduate School Admissions Workshop ft. Dr. Jennifer Parham

Dr. Jennifer Parham, an advisor for graduate school, presented on the graduate school admissions process, from how it’s done to neat tips and tricks to help applications get further.


Scavenger Hunt Meet and Greet

Members started off the new semester with some new found friends with a scavenger hunt around the Mathematical Sciences building at UCF. In teams of 2 to 3, teammates raced to solve problems and earned prizes!


Meeting Time Doodle

Hi everyone!

The link below leads to the Doodle we will use to agree on the meeting time for this semester. Please follow the link and select the times you would be available to attend CMS meetings.

Keep in mind the meetings will be held three times a month this semester, as opposed to the bi-weekly meetings we held in the past.
