Hybrid magnonics for short-wavelength spin waves facilitated by a magnetic heterostructure

Recent research on hybrid magnonics has been restricted by the long magnon wavelengths of the ferromagnetic resonance modes. We present an experiment on the hybridization of 250-nmwavelength magnons with microwave photons in a multimode magnonic system consists of a planar cavity and a magnetic bilayer. The coupling between magnon modes in the two magnetic layers, i.e., the uniform mode in Permalloy (Py) and the perpendicular standing spin waves (PSSWs) in YIG, serves an effective means for exciting short-wavelength PSSWs, which is further hybridized with the photon mode of the microwave resonator. The demonstrated magnon-photon coupling approaches the superstrong coupling regime and can even be achieved near zero bias field.

This article was published in Physical Review Applied and is available here.