
October 6, 2023: Dinner to celebrate the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics for attosecond science (to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier).
December 14, 2023: Training session on the US Physics Olympiad at the Crooms Academy of Information Technology (Magnet school in Sanford, Seminole county, FL). This event has been made possible by the initiative and hospitality of the local instructor, Richard S. Backel.
October 27, 2023: Seminar on attosecond science and the US Physics Olympiad, at the Crooms Academy of Information Technology (Magnet school in Sanford, Seminole county, FL). This event has been made possible by the initiative and hospitality of the local instructor, Richard S. Backel.
November 13, 2023: Seminar on attosecond science, the US Chemistry Olympiad, and the US Physics Olympiad, at Poinciana High School (Kissimmee, Osceola county, FL). This event has been made possible by the initiative and hospitality of the local Instructor, Jamaris Westerband Rosario, and the support of Assistant Principal Sina Vincutonis.
The Theoretical Attosecond Science group on a picnic at Fort Christmas Park
BBQ with group and friends at Fort Christmas Historic Park
Panel discussion on the future of attosecond science at the eight international conference on attosecond science and technology (ATTO VIII)
Panel discussion on the future of attosecond science at ATTO VIII (July 2022). Left to right: Linda Young, Nina Rohringer, Maria Richter, Alexandra Landsman, Ursula Keller, Mette Gaarde, and Nirit Dudovich. The panel was chaired by Li Fang.
Canoeing at the Wekiwa Springs
Open-air sport at Wekiwa Springs
Training workshop on the U.S. Physics Olympiad, for high-school teachers.
Workshop for high-school teachers on the F=ma competition. If you are interested, check out the Outreach tab!
The Theoretical Attosecond Science group visits the Kennedy Space Center
Trip to the Kennedy Space Center (June 2023)
Álvaro Jiménez Galán, Rui Silva, and Vicent Borràs de Llano visit the Kennedy Space Center
ATTO VIII: Visit to the Kennedy Space Center.
Jeppe Olsen and Nicolas Douguet at lunch under a tree canopy outside NIST cafeteria
Lunch with Jeppe Olsen and Nicolas Douguet under the stunning tree of the National Institute of Standard and Technology Headquarters (Gaithersburg, Maryland)
The Theoretical Attosecond Science group doing a picnic at the Wekiwa Springs Park
BBQ with extended group family, at Wekiwa Springs
Luca Argenti and Juan Martín Randazzo at work on the ASTRA code
At work with Juan Martín Randazzo
Preparing for the graduation ceremony of Saad Mehmood and Coleman Cariker
Ph.D. Graduation ceremony of Dr. Coleman Cariker and Dr. Saad Mehmood.
Theoretical Attosecond Science Lab getting a beer
Group dinner at Marlow’s tavern.
The Orlando Wetlands Park in the late-afternoon night of a summer day
At Orlando Wetlands Park
Robinson Observatory lit at dusk
Night at the Robinson Observatory
Richard Jerousek calibrating the telescope at the Robinson Observatory
Night at the Robinson Observatory
The Atlantic Ocean, seen from the short East to Orlando
The Atlantic Ocean
Wednesday November 15, 2023, Jackson Heights Middle School in Seminole County (Florida). Outreach activity on the transformation and storage of energy, in the context of the broader event “STEM Night” organized by the school to increase student interest in STEM fields and education. The event was attended by more than 500 middle-school students, often accompanied by their younger siblings, and parents. The outreach activity was coordinated by Dr. Vaida, chair of the Outreach Committee at UCF Physics Department, and it comprised several hands-on experiments on the conversion of energy between its various forms: mechanical, electrical, chemical and radiation. For this event, the UCF team was, from the left: Dr. Xiaofeng Feng, Dr. Ellen Kang, Dr. Luca Argenti, Dr. Denisia Poplan Vaida, Dr. Mihai Vaida, Tobias Konowitz, and Keith Blackman. Keith is a graduate student in Physics. Dr. Feng’s research is on electrocatalysis for renewable energy conversion, Dr. Argenti’s is on theoretical attosecond science, Dr. Poplan Vaida’s is on combustion processes, Dr. Vaida’s is on ultrafast processes of molecules adsorbed on surfaces. Tobias is an undergraduate student. Keith is working with Professor Mihai Vaida understanding strong metal support interaction in precious metal / metal oxide supports using Ultra-high Vacuum (UHV) techniques.
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg (Germany), Tuesday Nov 26, 2024. From left to right: Christian Ott, Luca Argenti, Kiyoshi Ueda, Gergana Borisova, Weiyu Zhang, Thomas Pfeifer. Dr. Argenti visited the institute to give a talk, within the Bothe Colloquium series, titled “From atoms to molecules, theory on the heels of attosecond electron dynamics”, and to work at ongoing projects on the pump-probe ionization of the helium atom, in which Nicholas Lewis, a PhD student in the TAS group, is also involved.