We received another DOE grant!
Together with Dr. Shyam Kattel from FAMU, we received another DOE grant to investigate the electrochemical reduction of nitrate!
Together with Dr. Shyam Kattel from FAMU, we received another DOE grant to investigate the electrochemical reduction of nitrate!
Together with with Dr. Talat Rahman, we received a DOE grant from the DOE BES Catalysis Science program to investigate the electrocatalytic environment for sustainable fuel production. Look forward to […]
Zackary Parsons successfully completed his doctoral dissertation defense, earning his Ph.D. degree in Physics. Congratulations, Dr. Parsons!
Zackary Parsons received the UCF Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship! Read the news here.
Dr. Zhuanghe Ren joined our group as a postdoctoral scholar, with the support of the UCF Preeminent Postdoctoral Program. Welcome, Zhuanghe!
Lin Hu received the Outstanding Dissertation Award and and was recognized as a 2021 Founders’ Day Honoree. Congratulations, Lin!
Dr. Zhuo Xing’s work on CO2 gas-diffusion electrolysis has been published in Nature Communications! Congratulations, Zhuo!
Zackary Parsons received the UCF Doctoral Research Support Award, with $3,800 fund to support his research! Congratulations, Zackary!
Our group received the NSF CAREER award. We are very grateful to the NSF for the support of our research in electrocatalysis!
Dr. Xiaofeng Feng received the 2019 Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry (see UCF Today news). We are grateful to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for the support of our research!
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