The new MCHF method which I have developed and am continuously modifying to apply to different kind of processes occurring in nature has produced a great impact on Atomic Physics research. It resolves several difficulties encountered by other existing sophisticated methods. Its contribution, particularly in the areas of interaction of photons and electrons with atoms at very low and intermediate energies is undoubtedly exceptional. Now it is possible to predict results extremely accurately and reliably in the ab-initio manner. Results obtained by this method have wide applications.
I have received comments from several experts about the method. I am presenting a few of them below:
- A referee of my paper entitled ‘ Theoretical Studies of the Photo-physics of He-(1s2s2p) 4Po ‘ published in physical Review Letters 64 (1990) 1510, commented that the results are so accurate that ‘ … they set new standards in the field.’ and can be cited as a ‘ … classic in the field.’
- I published a paper on Low-energy electron-neon scattering (Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 2003 (1990). At that time experimental results for differential cross sections at very low energies were not available. In 1992 I received a letter from Prof. Paul Burrow of Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln that their recent experimental measurements (Shi and Burrow, J. Phys. B25, 4273 (1992)) remarkably follow my theoretical prediction.
- In 1992 Dr. A. Temkin of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center wrote a letter to me in response to my published paper (Phys. Rev. A 44, 5642 (1991)) on polarizability of atoms.
- In 1993 Professor Michael Morrison of the University of Oklahoma, Norman, wrote a letter to me to include in a Text-book my state-of-the-art calculational data on low energy electron scattering from inert-gas atoms.
- In 1992, Professor Alexander Dalgarno of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics invited me to join his group to use my polarization wave function to calculate exchange energy of diatomic molecular ions.
- In 1991 I was invited to present a progress report on my recent work at “The Joint Symposium on electron and Ion swarms and low energy electron scattering “ held in Brisbane, Australia.