Honors and Awards (E.H. Kang)
- UCF College of Sciences High Impact or High-Quality Instruction Award (2024)
- NSF CMMI Game Changer Academies (CGCA) Panel Fellow (2023)
- NSF CAREER Award (2020-2025)
- UCF Women’s History Month Honor (2020)
- Advance Florida Network Women in STEM Scholar Travel Award (2020)
- NASA Florida Space Research Program Award (2019)
- UCF In-House grant award (2016-2017)
- Biophysical Society Committee for Professional Opportunities for Women Travel Award (2015)
- American Society for Cell Biology Postdoctoral Travel Award (2012)
- NSF CMMI Grantees and Research Conference Travel Award (2009)
Kang Group Members’ Awards
- Abdulrazak Kalae, Founders’ Day Outstanding Honors Undergraduate Thesis Award in the category of Natural Sciences (2025)
- Ahad Ansari, Honors Undergraduate Thesis Scholarship, UCF Burnett Honors College (2024)
- Bryan Demosthene, Biophysical Society Meeting Travel Award (2024)
- Taylor Douglas, Biophysical Society Meeting Travel Award (2024)
- Abdulrazak Kalae, Honors Undergraduate Thesis Scholarship, UCF Burnett Honors College (2023)
- Sydney Paulin, Poster Award, American Chemical Society FAME Conference (2023)
- Abdulrazak Kalae, Emerging Fellow, UCF Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (2023)
- Brianna Ariza, UCF Student Scholar Symposium, Judge’s Choice Distinction (Graduate, STEM category) (2023)
- Taylor Douglas, 1st place Poster Award, NanoBiotechnology Category, NanoFlorida International Conference, UCF (2023)
- Sydney Paulin, 1st place Poster Award, Undergraduate Posters Category, NanoFlorida International Conference, UCF (2023)
- Brianna Ariza, UCF L.E.A.R.N. Mentor Scholarship (2023)
- Moitri Santra, first place in plant sciences category at the seminole county regional science fair (2023)
- Bryan Demosthene, 2nd place Poster Award, American Chemical Society FAME Conference, Palm Harbor, FL (2022)
- Sydney Paulin, Emerging Fellow, UCF Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (2022)
- Sydney Paulin, UCF Student Scholar Symposium, Judge’s Choice Distinction (Undergrad, STEM category) (2022)
- Pavlo Kravchuk, UCF Student Scholar Symposium, Judge’s Choice Award (Graduate, STEM category) (2022)
- Pavlo Kravchuk, 2021-2022 FSGC Thesis Improvement Fellowship
- Taylor Douglas, UCF Summer Mentoring Fellowship (2021)
- Bryan Demosthene, 2021-2022 McKnight Doctoral Fellowship
- Pavlo Kravchuk, Graduate award, UCF Student Scholar Virtual Symposium (2021)
- Nicholas Castaneda, 1st place in the 15th Annual Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Symposium (2021)
- Nicholas Castaneda, Virtual travel award, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (2021)
- Jinho Park, Virtual travel award, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (2021)
- Tevin Um, HUT Scholarship, UCF Burnett Honors College (2020)
- Ahad Ansari (high school student), first place in Biomedical Sciences and award from the Society of the In Vitro Biology at the Dr. Ying Nelson Orange County Science Exposition (2020)
- Jim Heidings, MAC Travel Award, American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting (2019)
- Jinho Park, UCF Graduate Presentation Fellowship (2019)
- Nick Castaneda, 3rd place Poster Award, NanoFlorida International Conference, USF (2019)
- Nick Castaneda, 2019-2020 STEM Chateaubriand Fellowship (2019) *Featured in UCF Today
- Nouha Acouri, Emerging Fellow, UCF Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (2019)
- Dr. Myeongsang Lee, Poster Award, American Chemical Society FAME Conference (2019)
- Nick Castaneda, Best Poster Presentation Award, UCF Graduate Research Forum (2019)
- Jim Heidings, Best Oral Presentation Award, UCF Graduate Research Forum (2019)
- Zach Untracht, Best Poster Presentation Award, UCF Graduate Research Forum (2019)
- Bryan Demosthene, Judges’ Choice distinction, UCF Undergraduate Showcase (2019)
- Nick Castaneda, Best Poster Presentation Award, NanoFlorida, FIT (2018)
- Jim Heidings, Best Oral Presentation Award, NanoFlorida, FIT (2018)
- Zach Untracht, Best Oral Presentation Award, NanoFlorida, FIT (2018)
- Zach Untracht, first place, Poster Presentation Award, MISA symposium (2018)
- Nick Castaneda, UCF ORC Fellowship (2017-2018)
- Jinho Park, UCF ORC Fellowship (2017-2018)
- Angie Diaz, Florida Space Grant Consortium Master’s Thesis Fellowship (2017-2018)
- Angie Diaz, Best Poster Presentation Award, UCF Graduate Research Forum (2017)
- Angie Diaz, second place Oral Presentation Award, NanoFlorida, FIU (2017)
- Nick Castaneda, third place Oral Presentation Award, NanoFlorida, FIU (2017)
- Amirah Mathin, third place Oral Presentation Award, NanoFlorida, FIU (2017)
- Nick Castaneda, Florida American Vacuum Society (FL-AVS) Poster Award (2017)
- Amirah Mathin, UCF Innovation Corps, BlackMINE Technologies funded by NSF (2016-2017)