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Referred Journal Articles
[*Corresponding author; †equal contribution; Students in Kang lab are highlighted in purple (postdocs), blue (graduate students), and green (undergrads).]
- T. V. Douglas, C. A. Toland, S. A. Paulin, N. Castaneda, L. Tetard, E. H. Kang*. (2025) Gelsolin-Mediated Actin Filament Severing, Mechanics, and Conformational Changes at Various pH (accepted for publication in Frontiers in Soft Matter)
- B. Demosthene†, P. Kravchuk†, C. Harmon, A. Kalae, E. H. Kang*. (2024) Small organic osmolytes accelerate actin filament assembly and stiffen filaments. Cytoskeleton. (Accepted for publication)
- S. Contreras, B. Demosthene, E. H. Kang, Q. Huo. (2024) Using Brix Refractometry to Measure the Total Protein Level in Chicken Egg Whites: Preliminary Data. Measurement: Food, 100173.
- J. Marique Castro, N. Azim, N. Castaneda, E. H. Kang, S. Rajaraman. (2024) Microfluidic Biosensor for the in vitro Characterization of Actin Bundles. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS). 33(3), 350-361. doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2024.3376238
- Demosthene, B.; Lee, M.; Marracino, R.R.; Heidings, J.B.; Kang, E.H.* (2023) Molecular Basis for Actin Polymerization Kinetics Modulated by Solution Crowding. Biomolecules, 13, 786.
- J. Park, P. Kravchuk, A. Krishnaprasad, T. Roy, E. H. Kang*. (2022) Graphene Enhances Actin Filament Assembly Kinetics and Modulates NIH-3T3 Fibroblast Cell Spreading. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 509.
- N. Castaneda, C. Feuillie, M. Molinari*, E. H. Kang*. (2021) Actin Bundle Nanomechanics and Organization are Modulated by Macromolecular Crowding and Electrostatic Interactions. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, section Biophysics, 8:760950. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.760950
- N. Castaneda†, J. Park†, E. H. Kang*. (2021) Regulation of actin bundle mechanics and structure by intracellular environmental factors. Frontiers in Physics, 9, 675885.
- J. Hwang, M. Lee, E. H. Kang, W. Lee. (2021) The role of acetate in wastewater for O2 control on green algal photosystem II for photobiological hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2), 1740-1751
- J. Park, M. Lee, B. Lee, N. Castaneda, L. Tetard, E. H. Kang*. (2021) Crowding tunes the organization and mechanics of actin bundles formed by crosslinking proteins. FEBS Letters, 595 (1), 26-40
- J. B. Heidings, B. Demosthene, T. R. Merlino, N. Castaneda, E. H. Kang*. (2020) Gelsolin-mediated actin filament severing in crowded environments. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (in Press)
- B. Lee, N. Castaneda, M. Doomar, S. Santra, J. Thornton, T. Zhang, E. H. Kang, and L. Tetard. (2020) Nanoscale quantification of longitudinal and transverse mechanics of bacterial bodies. Applied Physics Letters, 116, 053701. doi:10.1063/1.5131767
- Z. T. Untracht, A. Ozcan, S. Santra and E. H. Kang*. (2020) SDS-PAGE for monitoring the dissolution of Zinc Oxide bactericidal nanoparticles (Zinkicide) in aqueous solutions. ACS Omega, 5, 1402-1407. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02893
- M. Lee and E. H. Kang*. (2019) Molecular dynamics study of interactions between polymorphic actin filaments and gelsolin segment‐1. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 88 (2), 385-392. doi: 10.1002/prot.25813
- Q. Huang, A. K. Dalai, J. Park, A. M. Diaz, E. H. Kang, and C. H. Niu. (2019) Biobutanol dyhydration by pressure swing adsorption using a biosorbent: Kinetic Modeling Study of Water Breakthrough Behaviors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(34):15619-15627
- H. Li, T. Ko, M. Lee, H. Chung, S. S. Han, K. H. Oh, A. Sadmani, H. Kang, and Y. Jung. (2019) Experimental realization of few layer tow-dimensional MoS2 membranes of near atomic thickness for high efficiency water desalination. Nano Lett., 19.8: 5194-5204.
- S. Ghanbari, A. M. Diaz, J. Park, H. Kang, and C.H. Niu. (2019) Equilibrium and heat of water vapor adsorption on the surface of natural lignocellulose materials. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 147:18-29.
- N. Castaneda, M. Lee, H. J. Rivera-Jacquez, R. R. Marracino, T. R. Merlino, H. Kang*. (2019) Actin Filament Mechanics and Structure in Crowded Environments. J. Phys. Chem. B, 123(13):2770-2779.
- A. M. Diaz, Z. Zhang, B. Lee, F. M. H. Luna, Y. Y. Li Sip, X. Lu, J. Heidings, L. Tetard, L. Zhai*, H. Kang*. (2018) Evaluation of Single Hydrogel Nanofiber Mechanics Using Persistence Length Analysis. ACS Omega, 3(12):18304-18310.
- S. Ghosh, J. Park, M. Thomas, E. Cruz, O. Cardona, H. Kang, T. Jewett. (2018) Biophysical characterization of actin bundles generated by the Chlamydia trachomatis Tarp effector. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 500(2):423-428
- N. Castaneda, T. Zheng, H. J. Rivera-Jacquez, H. J. Lee, J. Hyun, A. Balaeff, Q. Huo, H. Kang*. (2018) Cations modulate actin bundle mechanics, assembly dynamics, and structure. J. Phys. Chem. B, 122(14):3826-3835
- W. A. Elam, W. Cao, H. Kang , A. Huehn, G. M. Hocky, E. Prochniewicz, A. C. Schramm, K. Negrón, J. Garcia, T. T. Bonello, P. W. Gunning, D. D. Thomas, G. A. Voth, C. V. Sindelar, E. M. De La Cruz. (2017) Phosphomimetic S3D-cofilin binds but only weakly severs actin filaments. J. Biol. Chem., 292(48):19565-19579
- Z.A.O. Durer, R. M. McGillivary, H. Kang, W. A. Elam, C. L. Vizcarra, D. Hanein, E. M. De La Cruz, E. Reisler, M. E. Quinlan (2015), Metavinculin tunes the flexibility and the architecture of vinculin induced bundles of actin filaments. J. Mol. Biol., 427(17):2782-98.
- H. Kang, M. J. Bradley, W. Cao, K. Zhou, E. E. Grintsevich, A. Michelot, Charles V. Sindelar, M. Hochstrasser, and E. M. De La Cruz (2014) Site-specific cation release drives actin filament severing by vertebrate cofilin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 111(50): 17821-17826
- J. S. Graham, B. R. McCullough, H. Kang, W. A. Elam, W. Cao, E. M. De La Cruz (2014) Multi-platform compatible software for analysis of polymer bending mechanics. PLoS One, 9(4):e94766
- H. Kang¹, M. J. Bradley¹, W. A. Elam, E. M. De La Cruz (2013) Regulation of actin by ion-linked equilibria. Biophysical Journal, 105:2621-2628 (Invited review article, Featured cover art)
- W. A. Elam, H. Kang, E. M. De La Cruz (2013) Competitive displacement of cofilin can promote actin filament severing. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 438(4):728-731
- W. A. Elam, H. Kang, E. M. De La Cruz (2013) Biophysics of actin filament severing by cofilin. FEBS Letters, 587(8):1215-9 (Invited review article)
- H. Kang, M. J. Bradley, B. R. McCullough, A. Pierre, E. E. Grintsevich, E. Reisler and E. M. De La Cruz (2012) Identification of cation binding sites on actin that drive polymerization and modulate bending stiffness. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 109(42): 16923-16927
- B. R. McCullough, E. E. Grintsevich, C.K. Chen, H. Kang, A. L. Hutchison, A. Henn, W. Cao, C. Suarez, J. L. Martiel, L. Blanchoin, E. Reisler, E. M. De La Cruz (2011) Cofilin-linked changes in actin filament flexibility promote severing. Biophysical Journal, 101(1):151-9
- C. Suarez, J. Roland, R. Boujemaa-Paterski, H. Kang, B.R. McCullough, A-C.Reymann, C. Guérin, J-L. Martiel, E.M. De La Cruz, L. Blanchoin (2011) Cofilin tunes the nucleotide state of actin filaments and severs at bare and decorated segment boundaries. Current Biology, 21(10):862-8 (Recommended article in Faculty of 1000 Cell Biology)
- H. Kang, D. S. Perlmutter, V. B. Shenoy, J. X. Tang (2010) Observation and kinematic description of long actin tracks induced by spherical beads. Biophysical Journal, 99(9), 2793-2802 (Highlighted as a Featured Article)
- H. Kang, J. Wang, S. J. Longley, J. X. Tang, S. K. Shaw (2010) Relative actin nucleation promotion efficiency by WASP and WAVE proteins in endothelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 400, 661-666
- H. Kang, Q. Wen, P. A. Janmey, J. X. Tang, E. Conti, F. C. MacKintosh (2009) Non-linear elasticity of stiff filament networks: Strain-stiffening, negative normal stress, and filament alignment in fibrin gels. J. Phys. Chem. B, 113 (12), 3799-3805
- H. Kang, A. E. Carlsson, J. X. Tang (2009) Kinetic overshoot in actin network assembly induced jointly by branching and capping proteins. Physical Review E, 80 (4), 041913
- J. X. Tang, H. Kang, J. Jia (2005) Intriguing self-assembly of large granules of F-actin facilitated by gelsolin and alpha-actinin. Langmuir, 21, 2789-2795
- D. C. Kim, A. N. Baranov, J. S. Kim, H. R. Kang, B. J. Kim, Y. C. Kim, J. S. Pshirkov, E. V. Antipov, Y. W. Park. (2003) High pressure synthesis and superconductivity of Ba1-xKxBiO3 (0.35< x < 1), Physica C: Superconductivity 383(4), 343-353
- D. C. Kim, A. N. Baranov, J. S. Kim, H. R. Kang, B. J. Kim, Y. C. Kim, J. S. Pshirkov, E. V. Antipov Y. W. Park. (2002) Superconductivity of Ba1-xKxBiO3 (0.35 < x < 1) synthesized by the high pressure and high temperature technique, Journal of Superconductivity: Incorporating Novel magnetism 15, 331
- D. C. Kim, J. S. Kim, H. R Kang, G. T. Kim, A. N. Baranov, Y. W. Park, J. S. Pshirkov, E. V. Antipov. (2001) Observation of anomalous reentrant superconductivity in Sr1-x Kx BiO3, Physical Review B 64, 064502
- H. R. Kang, D. C. Kim, J. S. Kim, G. C. McIntosch, Y. W. Park, K. Nahm, J. Pelzl. (2001) Magnetoresistance and thermoelectric power of La-chalcogenides(La2.989S4, La2.985 Se4, Ce3S4), Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications 364, 329-333
- D. C. Kim, A. N. Baranov, J. S. Kim, H. R. Kang, B. J. Kim, Y. C. Kim, J. S. Pshirkov, E. V. Antipov, Y. W. Park. (2001) Anomalous superconductivity in Bismuthates, Physica C: Superconductivity 364, 278-284
- A. N. Baranov, D. C. Kim, J. S. Kim, H. R. Kang, Y. W. Park, J. S. Pshirkov, E. V. Antipov. (2001) Superconductivity in the Ba1-x Kx BiO3 system, Physica C: Superconductivity 357, 414-417
- D. C. Kim, J. S. Kim, H. R. Kang, Y. W. Park, J. S. Pshirkov, E. V. Antipov. (2001) Anomalous reentrance resistance phenomena in Superconducting Sr1-x Kx BiO3 : recovery of superconductivity with electric or magnetic field, Journal of Superconductivity: Incorporating Novel magnetism 14, 341
- D. C. Kim, J.S. Kim, H. R. Kang, G. T. Kim, J. S. Pshirkov, E. V. Antipov, Y. W. Park. (2000) Magnetic field-induced superconductivity in Sr1-xKxBiO3. Proceedings of SPIE 4058, 321
- D. C. Kim, J. S. Kim, S. J. Joo, H. R. Kang, Y. W. Park. (2000) Synthesis and electrical transport of Hg0.8Tl0.2Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+. Physica C 341, 1907-1908
Conference Papers
- N. Azim, N. Castaneda, A. Diaz, H. Kang and S. Rajaraman, “Multi-modal Microelectrode Arrays for the Investigation of Protein Actin’s Electro-Mechanosensing Mechanisms Toward Neurodegenerative Disease Models on a Chip”, the 18th Solid State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2018)
Dissertation/Thesis Defended
2023 Abdulrazak Kalae, Honors Undergraduate Thesis, College of Sciences
Title: Impact of Osmolytes and Cation on Actin Filament Assembly and Mechanics
2023 Brianna Ariza, MS Thesis, Nanotechnology
2022 Pavlo Kravchuk, MS Thesis, Nanotechnology
2021 Jinho Park, PhD Dissertation, Materials Science and Engineering
Title: Actin cytoskeleton dynamics and organization modulated by macromolecular crowding, cation interaction, and nanomaterials
2021 Claire Toland, MS Thesis, Nanotechnology
Title: Modulation of actin filament severing and mechanics by gelsolin in varying pH conditions
2021 Bryan Demosthene, MS Thesis, Nanotechnology
Title: Impact of crowder size on actin filament assembly kinetics
2021 Nicholas Castaneda, PhD Dissertation, Biomedical Sciences
Title: Regulation of actin assembly, mechanics, and structure by intracellular environmental factors
2020 Tevin Um, Honors Undergraduate Thesis, College of Sciences
Title: The effects of a cytoskeletal drug Swinholide A on actin filament disassembly in a crowded environment
2020 James Heidings, MS Thesis, Biotechnology
Title: Gelsolin-mediated actin filament severing in crowded environments
2019 Zachary Untracht, MS Thesis, Nanotechnology
Title: Nano-biophysical approaches for assessing nanoparticle interactions with biological systems
2018 Angie Diaz, MS Thesis, Nanotechnology
Title: Tunable effect of metal ions on polyelectrolyte nanofiber mechanics
2017 Nicholas Castaneda, MS Thesis, Nanotechnology
Title: Mechanism of actin bundle assembly, mechanics and structure by ion interaction
Selected Conference Abstracts (since 2017)
- Pavlo Kravchuk, Connor L Harmon, Bryan Demosthene, Ellen H. Kang. “Small organic osmolytes accelerate actin filament assembly and stiffen filaments.” BPS Annual Meeting (Feb 2022)
- Nicholas Castaneda, Briana Lee, Cecile Feuillie, Jinho Park, Michael Molinari, Laurene Tetard, Ellen H. Kang. “Counteractive effects of electrostatics and macromolecular crowding on actin bundle mechanics, organization, and secondary structure.” BPS Annual Meeting (Feb 2022)
- B. Demosthene, P. Kravchuk, E. H. Kang. “Crowder size influences actin assembly dynamics and kinetics.” ACS Spring Annual Meeting (virtual, Apr 21, 2021)
- J. Park, M. Lee, B. Lee, N. Castaneda, L. Tetard, E. H. Kang. “Crowding tunes the organization and mechanics of actin bundles formed by crosslinking proteins.” BPS Virtual Annual Meeting (Feb 2021)
- N. Castaneda, B. Lee, J. Park, L. Tetard, E. H. Kang. “Counteractive effects of electrostatic and macromolecular crowding on actin bundle mechanics and secondary structure.” BPS Virtual Annual Meeting (Feb 2020)
- J. Park, M. Lee, B. Lee, N. Castaneda, L. Tetard, E. H. Kang. “Crowding tunes the organization and mechanics of actin bundles formed by crosslinking proteins.” ASCB | EMBO Virtual Annual Meeting (December 2020)
- N. Castaneda, B. Lee, J. Park, L. Tetard, E. H. Kang. “Counteractive effects of electrostatic and macromolecular crowding on actin bundle mechanics and secondary structure.” ASCB | EMBO Virtual Annual Meeting (December 2020)
- J. Park, M. Lee, B. Lee, N. Castaneda, L. Tetard, E. H. Kang,”Macromolecular crowding modulates the organization of actin bundles induced by actin crosslinking proteins” Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (2020) *Platform Talk
- J. Park, M. Lee, B. Lee, N. Castaneda, L. Tetard, E. H. Kang,”Macromolecular crowding modulates the organization of actin bundles induced by actin crosslinking proteins” ASCB | EMBO Annual Meeting (2019)
- J. B. Heidings, B. Demosthene, T. R. Merlino, N. Castaneda, E. H. Kang, “Gelsolin-mediated actin filament severing in crowded environments” ASCB | EMBO Annual Meeting (2019)
- M. Lee and H. Kang, “Structural polymorphism in actin filaments modulates gelsolin binding” ASBMB Annual Meeting (2019)
- J. Park, M. Lee and H. Kang, “Macromolecular crowding modulates actin bundle formation induced by actin crosslinking proteins” ASBMB Annual Meeting (2019)
- J. Heidings, A. Mathin, O. Phanstiel, H. Kang, “Effects of Dihydromotuporamine C Derivatives on actin assembly dynamics” ASBMB Annual Meeting (2019)
- Z. T. Untracht, A. Ozcan, S. Santra, H. Kang, “Tracking and detection of bactericidal quantum dots” ASBMB Annual Meeting (2019)
- A. Zhai and H. Kang, “The effect of caffeine on actin filament assembly” ASBMB Annual Meeting (2019)
- N. Castaneda, M. Lee, H. J. Rivera-Jacquez, R. R. Marracino, J.X. Tang, T. R. Merlino, H. Kang, “Molecular crowding modulates actin filament mechanics and structure.” ASBMB Annual Meeting (2019)
- N. Castaneda, M. Lee, H. J. Rivera-Jacquez, R. R. Marracino, T. R. Merlino, H. Kang, “Molecular crowding modulates actin filament mechanics and structure.”, Talk, APS March Meeting (2019)
- N. Castaneda, H. J. Rivera-Jacquez, T. R. Merlino, A. B. Marbin, H. Kang, “Macromolecular crowding modulates actin filament bending dynamics and mechanics.”, APS March Meeting (2018)
- A. Diaz, Z. Zhang, X. Lu, J. Heidings, L. Zhai, H. Kang, “Effect of metal ions on polyelectrolyte nanofiber mechanics.”, APS March Meeting (2018)
- N. Castaneda, T. Zheng, H. R. Jacquez, Q. Huo, H. Kang, “Mechanics and dynamics of cation-induced actin bundles.” Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (2017)
- A. Mathin, K. Skruber, A. Muth, O. Phanstiel IV, H. Kang, “Development of antimetastatic Motuporamine derivatives which targe actin filament assembly.”, TechConnect World Innovation Expo (2017)