
Neupane Group News

37. Congratulation to Nathan Valadez who won the best poster award at the 2024 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston.

36. Neupane  has been recognized as a highly cited researcher for 2024 by analytics company Clarivate, based on data from Web of Science.

35. Summer 2024:

Milo Sprague  received an internship from Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He will spend at INL from  July 20 to September 30.

 Mazharul Islam Mondal  has been selected to participate in the 2024 US QIS Summer School from July 16 to July 25 at Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory (ORNL).

Nathan Valadez has been selected to participate in Princeton Summer School on Condensed Matter Physics- July 22-26,2024.

REU student Kyle Chessler  from Hamilton College  presented  a poster in UCF Summer Poster Showcase.

34. Congratulations to Nathan Valadez!  Nathan was awarded the 2024 Above and Beyond Award, which is awarded to a graduate student that has demonstrated actions that go above and beyond the call of duty. 

33. Neupane’s group attended the APS March Meeting, March 3– 8, 2024 @ Minneapolis, MN and presented the group’s recent results.

Neupane’s group attended the  2024 ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM FLORIDA CHAPTER OF THE AVS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY, March 11-12 at University of Florida Gainesville, Florida and presented the latest results.

32. Neupane  has been recognized as a highly cited researchers for 2023 by analytics company Clarivate, based on data from Web of Science.

31. Iftakhar Bin Elius received an internship from Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He will spend at INL from July 10 – September 30, 2023.  Congratulations to Mr. Bin Elius!

30. Congratulations to Nathan Valadez!  –  Nathan was one of 2 UCF Physics graduate students awarded the 2023 outReach for the Stars Award, which is awarded to a graduate student that has made an effort to bring services or information about Physics (or other STEM fields) to people where those services and/or information are lacking or non-existent.

29. Neupane’s group attended the Frontiers in Magnetism: Quantum Technologies Conference Orlando, Florida, USA April 19-22, 2023 and presented the group’s recent results.

Milo Sprague received 2nd best poster presentation prize. Congratulations to him!

28. Robert Smith successfully defended his honors undergraduate thesis  on 03/31/2023. Congratulations to Mr. Smith!

27. Neupane’s group attended the APS March Meeting, March 5– 10, 2023 @ Las Vegas, Nevada and presented the group’s recent results.

Neupane’s group attended the Science and Technology of Emerging Materials Symposium (STEMS) 2023  March 16 – 17, 2023 @ UCF and presented the group’s recent results. Congratulations to Dr. Anup Pradhan Sakhya for winning the best poster prize!

26. Neupane’s group attended the NanoFlorida Conference March 4 – 5, 2023 @ UCF and presented the group’s recent results. Congratulations to  Iftakhar Bin Elius  for winning the best poster prize in Nanophysics, Materials and Engineering category!

25. Congratulations to Dr. Sabin Regmi  for being chosen as the College of Sciences’ recipient of the Award for Outstanding Dissertation in 2022! This award recognizes excellence in a dissertation, focusing on the quality and significance of the completed work.

Dr. Sabin Regmi also won the 2022-2023 university award for the Outstanding Dissertation in the Engineering, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences category. This award recognizes the quality, content, and exceptional contribution in your field of Physics in the College of Sciences. He will receive a $1,500 cash award.

News about Dr. Regmi’s award:

24. Sabin Regmi successfully defended his Ph. D. dissertation on 11/17/2022. Congratulations to Dr. Regmi!

23. Neupane  has been recognized as a highly cited researchers for 2022 by analytics company Clarivate, based on data from Web of Science.

22. Neupane’s talk on superconducting and magnetic topological  materials  @ International Conference on Quantum Materials and Technologies (ICQMT) October 16-22, 2022, Turkey


21. Gyanendra Dhakal successfully defended his Ph. D. dissertation on 04/06/2022. Congratulations to Dr. Dhakal!

20. Neupane group attended the APS March Meeting 2022, Chicago and presented recent results.

19. Neupane  has been named as a highly cited researchers for 2021 by analytics company Clarivate, based on data from Web of Science.

18. Firoza Kabir successfully defended her dissertation on 11/24/2021. Congratulations to Dr. Kabir!

17. Our research article Experimental observation of drumhead surface states in SrAs3 received 1,993 article downloads in 2020, placing it as one of the top 100 downloaded physics papers for Scientific Reports in 2020.

16. Neupane has been selected to receive a UCF Research Incentive Award (RIA) in recognition of the outstanding impact of his scholarly work. Congratulations to him!

15. Congratulations to Dr. Mofazzel Hosen for being chosen as the College of Sciences’ recipient of the Award for Outstanding Dissertation! This award recognizes excellence in a dissertation, focusing on the quality and significance of the completed work.

14. Neupane has been recognized as a highly cited researcher 2020 by Web of Science.

13. Neupane recently received Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) grant: Congratulations to him!

12.. Firoza Kabir received an internship (2020) from Idaho National Laboratory (INL). She will spend about 3 months at INL from March 15. Congratulations to her!

11. We attended the TMS Annual Meeting, February 23-27, San Diego, CA Firoza Kabir presented a talk on Electronic structure and thermal transport measurement of GdxSb2-xTe3.

10. Md Mofazzel Hosen successfully defended his dissertation on 02/18/2020. Congratulations to Dr. Hosen!

9. Neupane has been recognized as a highly cited researcher 2019 by Web of Science.

8. The University of Central Florida honors Dr. Neupane with the prestigious Luminary Award for his active contribution to push the frontier of quantum materials.

7. Kabir and Neupane attended the TETI all-hands meeting, September 18-20, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

6. Firoza Kabir attended the EFRC PI meeting, July 29-30, Washington, DC.

5. Firoza Kabir received the summer internship (2019) from Idaho National Laboratory. Congratulations to her!

4. Kabir and Neupane attended the Center for Thermal Energy Transport under Irradiation (TETI) All-Hands Meeting at Idaho National Laboratory from April 15-17.

3. Neupane group attended the APS March Meeting 2019, Boston, MA

2.  Neupane received NSF career award on February 15, 2019. Congratulations to him!

1. News coverage of our recent publications:

* Selected as one of the groups for the UCF top 10 research findings of 2018 2018/?fbclid=IwAR0nZpeXkos9DMBiGe6eirAmCu7_R_GK93I3TmBKOTRdCvebtqcIZImVy0

* Nature publication has selected one of our papers is the best paper of 2018 as well as placing it in the top 50 best paper list.




  • Scientists discover a first-of-its-kind material for the quantum age, nano werk (August 01, 2018)









  • Neupane’s talk on topological state of matter for general audience @ Kavli Frontier of Science 18th Chinese-American Symposium October 19-21, 2018 Nanjing, China