Congratulations to Chau!

Congratulations to Chau Truong for passing her Dissertation Proposal, and moving into PhD candidacy! Chau’s dissertation will focus on developing a source of isolated attosecond pulses using our Yb:KGW laser, and applying them to study dynamics in atomic systems using attosecond interferometry.

Congratulations to Erin!

Today, Erin Crites successfully (and virtually!) defended her Honors in the Major thesis, entitled “Polarization Dependence of High Order Harmonic Generation from Solids in Reflection and Transmission Geometries”. Erin joined the group as a Freshman, and will graduate this semester. Next, she will pursue a PhD in Physics from the University of North Carolina, where we expect even bigger and better things are in store for her. Congratulations, Erin!

trARPES article published in Review of Scientific Instruments

Our latest article, which details a new setup for XUV time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (trARPES) based on high-order harmonics from a Yb:KGW laser technology, has been published in Review of Scientific Instruments. Using our unique light source, we demonstrate the potential to achieve extremely high energy resolution of 21.5 meV in trARPES. This paper is a result of a collaboration between our group and Madhab Neupane’s group at UCF, with support from scientists at SUNY Buffalo and the Polish Academy of Sciences. Congratulations to postdoctoral scientist Yangyang Liu, who led the project. We are excited about the new prospects for quantum materials research which will be enabled by this unique setup!

Welcome to new LUMAS students!

We are happy to welcome two new PhD students into the LUMAS group. Jonathan Nesper joins us after completing his BSc in Physics at UCF in Spring 2019. Jonathan has actually been involved in our group since 2015 as an undergraduate researcher, and we are happy to have him continue with us as he seeks a PhD in Physics. Ahmed Yousif is a new student in the Optics PhD program. He joins us after completing a BSc in Physics from the University of Toronto and a MSc in Physics from Michigan State University. Welcome, Jonathan and Ahmed!