Feodor Lynen Eligible Scan-Probe Experienced Postdoc Wanted
Welcome to the Kaden Research Group

Group Photo 2018 – From Left to Right: Francisco Poller, Asim Khaniya, Joshua Pollock, Muhammad Sajid, William Kaden, Jillian Gloria, and Bijoya Dhar
The Kaden group specializes in applying ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV, c.a. 10 TRILLION-fold lower pressure than your current ambient environment) surface-science methodologies to elucidate and thoroughly investigate the most fundamental physical driving forces governing catalytic processes at the interface of “model” catalytic systems. Put more specifically, the primary aim of the group is to draw upon directly attainable atomic- and molecular-level experimental data to more fully understand elementary structural-electronic-chemical relationships relevant to targeted reactions of interest at the interfaces of catalytic materials ranging from two-dimensional thin-films and supported clusters created within UHV to powders produced via industrially compatible wet-chemical techniques.