In their new publication in Activities, Adaptation & Aging, recent AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Xiaoqing Wan, Dr. Lighthall, and Penn State colleague, Dr. Nelson Roque, found that markers of successful aging predicted elite-levels of tech use in older age. These markers included better cognition, socioeconomics, and self-efficacy. The study also […]
In their new publication in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Maggie Doheny and Dr. Lighthall describe new challenges and perspectives in cognitive neuroscience, with a focus on social cognitive neuroscience in the digital age. The paper reviews our current understanding of the social-cognitive neural network and summarizes […]
New publication alert in the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. The paper, “Facial trustworthiness perceptions across the adult lifespan” led by Didem Pehlivanoglu, describes the impact of perceiver and facial characteristics on facial trustworthiness perception across adulthood. The project included collaboration across five universities and two countries: University of Florida […]
Congrats to recent AD&D Lab Ph.D. graduate, Xiaoqing Wan, Dr. Lighthall, and UCF Statistics and Data Science colleague, Dr. Rui Xie, on their paper: “Consistent and Robust Predictors of Internet Use among Older Adults over Time Identified by Machine Learning” — which is in press at the journal of Computers […]
In their new publication in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, “Aging in an “infodemic”: The role of analytical reasoning, affect, and news consumption frequency on news veracity detection” by Pehlivanoglu, Lighthall, Lin, Chi, Perez, Polk, Cahill, & Ebner find that age-related vulnerabilities to deceptive news may only become apparent in […]
In their new publication in Computers in Human Behavior, AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Xiaoqing Wan, Dr. Lighthall and UCF Clinical Psychology colleague, Dr. Daniel Paulson, show that subjective health stands out among self-perception measures as a robust predictor of Internet use in older adults. Of particular importance, the study’s findings […]
In their new publication in Brain and Cognition, AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Lindsay Conner and Dr. Lighthall, in collaboration with University of Florida co-authors Natalie Ebner (Professor of Psychology) and Marilyn Horta (Postdoctoral Fellow), present a novel fMRI task for isolating effects of memory processes on value mechanisms. Findings from […]