Congratulations to AD&D Lab undergraduate research assistant, Samuel Rincon, who has accepted an invitation to join MIT’s Neuroscience Summer Research Experience Program. This summer internship program is funded in part by the MIT’s School of Science and the National Science Foundation. During the summer program, he will be involved in […]
Dr. Lighthall’s new publication, “Neural mechanisms of decision‐making in aging“, provides an overview of how decision making changes during normal, healthy aging, and how age-related changes to the brain may alter decision processing across adulthood. The review synergizes evidence indicating different patterns of age-related change in regions that support bottom-up […]
The AD&D lab put their brains together in “Professor Moriarty’s” escape room — setting a new record with their winning time (#nikkiandthebrainiacs) and celebrating the victory with lots of sugary treats. The lab capped off the day by surprising Dr. Lighthall with brain and tropical themed baby gifts and wishing […]
In their new Frontiers in Psychology publication, “Reward Responsiveness and Inhibition Traits Differentially Predict Economic Biases in Gain and Loss Contexts”, AD&D Lab doctoral student, Kylie Fernandez, and Dr. Lighthall present new research indicating that, compared with affective states, motivational traits have a stronger influence on beliefs about risky choices. […]
The Aging Brain: Functional Adaptation Across Adulthood is now available from APA Books, with contributions from the AD&D Lab! This multidisciplinary volume examines structural and functional changes in the aging brain, and the mechanisms underlying such changes. Dr. Lighthall and Lindsay Conner collaborated with Dr. Kelly Giovanello (University of North […]
In their new publication in Frontiers in Neuroscience, “Application of graph theory for identifying connectivity patterns in human brain networks: A systematic review“, Farzad Farahani, Dr. Waldemar Karwowski, and Dr. Lighthall provide new insights into how to utilize graph theoretical measures to make neurobiological inferences regarding the mechanisms underlying human […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab undergraduate research assistant, Yerika Germosen, for defending her Honors Thesis entitled, “The Nexus Between Prejudicial Attitudes and Cognitive Flexibility in Younger and Older Adults”. Yerika will be graduating with Honors in the Major this semester and moving on to complete her PhD in Neuroscience at the […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab PhD student, Xiaoqing Wan, on receiving Exemplary Oral Presentation Award at the 2019 UCF Graduate Research Forum. Xiaoqing’s award for her talk entitled, “Age effect on learning from experience in economic decision making” earned her this top honor and a $500 cash prize. Well done, Xiaoqing!
Dr. Lighthall was awarded a grant from the Learning Institute for Elders under their 2018-2019 Gerontology Applied Research Program grant competition. Funding from this grant will be used to investigate the efficacy of different disclosure forms on financial decision making in older adults.
In their new publication in WIREs: Cognitive Science, “CISDA: Changes in Integration for Social Decisions in Aging“, Dr. Lighthall and co-authors from the University of Florida (UF) propose a specification of the Affect‐Integration‐Motivation framework for understanding social decision making across adulthood. Their model outlines how age‐related changes to neurocognition and […]
In their new publication in The Journal of Neuroscience, “Feedback-based learning in aging: Contributions and trajectories of change in striatal and hippocampal systems“, Dr. Lighthall and her co-authors present novel findings indicating that hippocampal circuits supporting learning and memory decline more than striatal circuits in healthy aging. Their results further […]
Dr. Lighthall was selected by the National Academy of Sciences to present the 8th annual Seymour Benzer Lecture. Her talk entitled, “The Adaptable Aging Brain” highlighted discoveries from Dr. Lighthall’s research that speak to the possibilities and limitations of the aging brain. You can view a video of her presentation […]
AD&D labbers enjoyed lots of food, sun, and games to close out the 2017-2018 school year — including some creative brain-themed treats. We were also introduced to Lindsay’s revolutionary concept of “water spaghetti”!
The Scientific Research Network on Decision Neuroscience and Aging (SRNDNA) selected two AD&D Lab students for research awards. PhD student Lindsay Conner received an SRNDNA Mentorship/Collaboration Award, which will provide funding to support her training in advanced neuroimaging analysis under the mentorship of Dr. Tor Wager at the University of Colorado, […]
Dr. Lighthall served as an invited speaker at the UCF Distinguished Speaker Series at the Tusawilla Country Club in Winter Springs, FL. Her community talk entitled, “A Peek Inside the Adaptable Aging Brain” highlighted new discoveries from Dr. Lighthall’s research on the neuroscience of aging.
Congratulations to AD&D Lab PhD student, Kylie Fernandez, on receiving the Graduate Student Research Award at the 2018 Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) Annual Meeting. Kylie’s talk entitled, “Predictors of Bias: Roles of Attention and Estimation Frame Incongruence” was selected as the best graduate student research at this regional meeting of […]
This summer, Dr. Lighthall was invited by the National Academy of Sciences to the 2017 Indonesian-American Kavli Frontiers of Science conference in Ambon, Indonesia and served as chair of the symposium on neuroplasticity. Dr. Lighthall’s talk entitled, “Understanding and Leveraging the Power of the Adaptive Brain,” provided an overview of […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab PhD student, Lindsay Conner, on receiving First Place in the Social Science category for her research poster at the 2017 UCF Graduate Research Forum. With this award, Lindsay qualifies to present at the Florida Statewide Graduate Student Research Symposium. She will present her poster entitled, “Information […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab PhD student, Lindsay Conner, on receiving an award from the UCF Summer Mentoring Fellowship Program. Lindsay, along with three other incoming Psychology grad students (pictured here), took part in this campus-wide competitive fellowship program. The program provides funding support from the College of Graduate Studies for […]
The tragedy that occurred in Orlando on Sunday June 12th weighs heavy on our hearts. Now and forever, our lab stands with UCF and the Orlando community as a place of respect and love for all people. For information about campus resources and events, such as blood drives and vigils, […]