Trenton Lam defends Honors Thesis

Congratulations to AD&D Lab Honor’s Thesis student, Trenton Lam, for defending his Honors Thesis entitled, “The Effect of Past Betrayals on Trust Behavior”. His project found that while people who have not experienced betrayal trauma typically invest less in untrustworthy-looking partners in the Trust Game, victims of betrayal show similar initial and average investments in trustworthy- and untrustworthy-looking partners. These findings add to the current understanding of how victims of interpersonal betrayal interpret and respond to visual cues of trustworthiness, both initially and across multiple interactions. Dr. Lighthall served as the advisor for this project, with Dr. Amie Newins (UCF Clinical Psychology) as a committee member.

Trenton will be graduating with Honors in the Major this semester and will begin medical school in the fall. Best wishes, Trenton!