Recent Dissertations
Ghada Baz: A stress perspective of leader-follower relationship ambivalence
Emily Broksch: Employee volunteering: Integrating the volunteering and helping literatures using a latent profile approach
Richard Currie: None of your beeswax: Affective trust explains why coworker nosiness predicts knowledge provision at work
Ann Schlotzhauer: Constructive voice feedback loops within and across jobs
Recent Master’s Theses
Emily Broksch: Lego my ego: The puzzling role of self-esteem and goal orientation on appraisals of unsolicited help
Colleen Cui: How do you feel about your entitled coworker? Effects of perceiver’s entitlement and impact type on reactions to workplace entitlement
Richard Currie: Group composition characteristics as predictors of shared leadership: An exploration of competing models of shared leadership emergence
Michael DiStaso: Assessing stress outcomes of interpersonal helping: An application of hindrance stress appraisals
Alexandra Kandah: Predicting implementation citizenship behavior rating discrepancies between supervisor-subordinate dyads
Meghan Kane: The trickle-down effects of manager gratitude expression
Emily Macias: Can feeling like an imposter be favorable? A qualitative study on the role of appraisal in harnessing the imposter phenomenon for growth
Sarah Rabon: Online organizational citizenship behavior: An exploration of new avenues for prosocial behavior in the digital age
Ann Schlotzhauer: An examination of gender-based differences in perceptions of supervisor support
Barret Vermilion: The dialectics of ambivalent identification in the supervisor-subordinate dyad
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