Contact: Ashley Hilyer
Phone: (407) 823-4578
What funds are Available:
- E&G (Education & General)
- Operations (24xx-00-01)
- Startups (24xx-00-xx)
- E&G Matches (24xx-41-xx)
- OPS (24xx-00-74)
- Carry Forward (24xx-07-10)
- Auxiliary (24xx-03-01)
- Agency (24xx-05-01)
- Material, Supply and Lab Fees (24xx-08-01)
- Equipment Fee (24xx-08-02)
- Foundation
- Overhead (24xx-42-xx)
- Balance Accounts (24xx-43-xx)
- C&G (Contracts & Grants) (24xx-5x-xx to 24xx-9x-xx)
- Research Foundation
Based on the funds being used there will be limitations as to what payment method can be used. For example, you can’t use a P-Card to charge Foundation.
Availability of Funds
Balances should be verified and budget approval should be obtained before proceeding with purchasing.
Project (Grant) Note: Balances should be determined by project budget level (i.e. ensure there is enough funds in the “expense” budget category to purchase office supplies). If budget is available in a different budget category then the PI should submit a budget transfer request first (see Accounting and Finance section, Budget Transfer Requests for more details).
Departmental Authorization List (DAL)
Security is limited within PeopleSoft; therefore, certain staff members may not be able to purchase on the funds. You can view the DAL in PeopleSoft by logging into UCF Financials. Instructions: > Click Department Authorization List (under menu), > Select DAL by Department > Enter the Business unit of UCF01 > Enter the department/project number > Click search
Review the list for the following:
AXA – Auxiliary Authorized – able to purchase from on-campus vendors (except bookstore). They can also write a permission slip for anyone to purchase from the on-campus vendors. PRC – Purchasing Requisition Creator – able to create ePRO requisitions PRA – Purchasing Requisition Approver – able to approve an ePRO requisition PCA – Purchasing Card Approver – able to approve P-card charges
For a complete list of acronyms click the Definitions menu (within the training resources website) and look under Departmental Authorization List.
Payment Methods
For more information regarding payment methods click one of the links below or scroll down this page.
- Cellphone Allowances and Fees – salary supplement
- Cellphone Fees – associated with accessing university e-mail from smartphone (personal or university equipment)
- Field (Research) Advance
- Honorarium
- On-Campus Vendors
- Petty Cash
- Procurement Card (P-Card) – for travel related expenditures see travel
- Requisition/Purchase Order (Outside Vendors)
- Services, Payment for
- Tuition Payments