Exciting news about our lab and the awesome Hoffman Lab students!
Undergraduate Showcased on COS!
April was a very busy month for the Hoffman lab! One of our undergraduates, Shelly Gaynor, was awarded this month for her research presentations at Eureka: Student Research Talks and the American Society of Plant Biologist (ASPB) Southern Sectional conference. Additionally, she was recently awarded additional funding for the project through the Botanical Society of […]
Sea Urchin news!
New Hoffman Lab paper titled, Genetic Structure of Natural and Broodstock Populations of the Long-Spined Sea Urchin, Diadema Antillarum, Throughout the Florida Keys, was published in February 2017 To find out more about the Hoffman Lab Alumni who wrote this paper, check out the UCF College of Science article: UCF Team Studied Sea Urchins to […]
Conservation Genetics goes to Disney Animal Kingdom!
Undergraduates Shine at SURE!
I had two undergraduate students present at the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence this year! Shelly Gaynor presented on her project titled ” Assessing Genetic Diversity Within Natural Populations of Smooth Cordgrass to Ensure Effective Restoration Efforts” Brittany Lebert presented on her project titled “Assessing Genetic Differentiation to Infer Invasion History of Megabalanus coccopoma”.
BOGO on PhD’s
It has been a fantastically busy week for @HoffmanLabUCF! We had two PhD’s dissertations on 2 different continents within 5 days. Congrats to Sávio Calazans and Gina Ferrie for both successfully defending their PhD’s.
Shelly wins at Botany 2016!
Congratulations to Shelly Gaynor who just won the Best Student Poster award in the Genetics Section of “Botany 2016” being held in Savannah, GA. Her poster, entitled “The Influence of Genome Duplication on Brassicaceae and Rosaceae Communities Across the United States”, was competing against all other student participants, including graduate students. This project was part […]
Congrats to Kim!
Congrats to Kimberly Arnaldi for completing her Masters in Biology this past semester. Kim’s research project at UCF looked at temporal changes in genetic diversity in restored oyster reefs in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), as well as effects of harvesting on genetic diversity in reference reefs in the IRL. For this project, Kim collaborates […]
Congrats Luke!
Congratulation to Luke Milo Chandler for completing his B.S. in Biology and for finishing his Honors in the Major. Luke has been a member of Hoffman lab for the past two years, where he studied the genetic variation of populations of the Caribbean long spined sea urchin, Diadema antillarum, for supplemental repopulation. Luke will be joining […]
Congrats Tyler Hether!
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