Current Students

Prospective Students
Graduate and Undergraduate students interested in a Hoffman Lab research experience are encouraged to inquire about research opportunities in the lab via email (
More information about UCF’s graduate program can be found here:
Biology Graduate Program Information
Priority for Undergraduate research is given to Biology Majors.
Graduated Ph.D. students:
John Konvalina – Ph.D. in Conservation Biology, conferred Summer 2023. Evolutionary History and Adaptation to Salinity in American Alligators
-Postdoc at University of Missouri
Savio Calazans Campos – Ph.D. Federal University Fluminense, RJ Brazil, conferred Spring, 2017. Investigating the origins of invasive Perna and Mytella mussels: where do these Mytilidae come from?
-Research Scientist at IEAPM, RJ, Brazil.
Gina Ferrie; Ph.D. in Conservation Biology, conferred Spring, 2017. Using molecular genetic and demographic tools to improve management of ex situ avian populations.
-Science Operations Manager at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
Graduated M.S. students:
Jessica Folsom; M.S. in Biology, conferred Spring, 2023. Exploring population structure and diversity across time in populations of American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber).
Laura Macamo; M.S. in Biology, Fulbright Scholar, conferred Spring 2023. Behavioral, morphological and genetic differentiation among populations of Enyaliopsis iaculator.
Daniel Volk; M.S. in Biology, conferred Fall, 2017. Go with the flow: patterns of connectivity in low dispersal coral reef gobies (Coryphopterus spp.) throughout the western Atlantic.
Alexa Trujillo; M.S. in Biology, conferred Summer 2015. Uncovering Discordance between Taxonomy and Evolutionary History in Florida Raccoons.
Vicki Villanova; M.S. in Biology, conferred Spring 2015. Genetic structure and demographic analysis of Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium).
Sarah Johnson May; M.S. in Biology, conferred Spring 2011. Conservation genetics of the striped newt.
Tyler Hether; M.S. in Biology, conferred 2010. Using landscape genetics to assess population connectivity in a habitat generalist.
Rosanna Tursi; M.S. in Biology, conferred 2010. Assessing Genetic Diversity and Population Status of the Endangered Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit.
Matthew Gordon; M.S. in Biology, conferred 2010. Isotopic Variation in Metapopulations of the Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit.
Jacob F. Degner; M.S. in Biology, conferred 2007. Genetic and phenotypic evolution in the ornate chorus frog (Pseudacris ornata): testing the relative roles of natural selection, migration, and genetic drift.
Visiting Scholars
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Leite Ferreira – Federal University Fluminense, RJ Brazil; January – March 2016
Dr. Fabio Pitombo – Federal University Fluminense, RJ Brazil; January – December 2015
Nivia Maria Abreu – Federal University Fluminense, RJ Brazil; Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
Dr. Monica Dorigo Correia – Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil; 2013 – 2014
Savio Calazans Campos – Federal University Fluminense, RJ Brazil; Spring 2013 – Fall 2014
Hema Balkaran – University of Virgin Islands; Summer 2010
Savio Calazans Campos – Admiral Paulo Moreira Marine Research Institute, RJ, Brazil; Fall 2010