Ph.D. in Conservation Biology, expected in Summer 2019.
Originally from Kailua, HI. Lauren received her bachelor’s degree in Cell and Molecular Biology, with a minor in English, at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, CO. Her research there utilized microsatellite markers to analyze an isolated population of Flammulated Owls (Otus flammeolus) in the Pikes Peak area. Owls in this population were observed performing extra pair copulations (an uncommon behavior for this species) and she was interested in determining if extra pair fertilization was also occurring. Before attending UCF, she worked at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, FL in the Shark Behavioral Ecology and Physiology Program with Dr. Nick Whitney. Their research focused on the metabolic rates and energy expenditure of Nurse and Blacktip sharks. Using accelerometers in conjunction with flume and static respirometers they were able to measure differences in oxygen consumption during various activities. Accelerometer data from the sharks in the lab can bridge the gap between data collect in the field with studies conducted in the lab.
At UCF Lauren was able to combine her passion for animal conservation, ecology, and genetics.