The research, educational opportunities, and scientific advisory service provided by the UCF Marine Turtle Research Group are made possible by long-standing partnerships and the generous support of numerous agencies, organizations, and private individuals. Over the years, these included, but are not limited to:
- Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program
- National Academies of Sciences
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- The Sea Turtle Grants Program (funded from proceeds from the sale of the Florida Sea Turtle License Plate. Learn more at
- Brevard County Board of Commissioners
- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund
- Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research, University of Florida (for information on our Sea Turtle and Climate Change 2016 Workshop, click here)
- University of Central Florida
- Army Corps of Engineers
- Patrick Air Force Base Environmental Planning Office
- Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands Program
- Friends of the Carr Refuge
- World Wildlife Fund
- Sea Turtle Conservancy
- Hubbs Sea World Research Institute
- Richard King Mellon Foundation
- Brevard County Office of Resource Management
- National Save the Sea Turtle Foundation
- Surfrider Foundation
- Florida Safety Council Orlando
- The Moore Family Tag Endowment
- The Rosengren Family
- U.S. Navy and HDR, Inc.
Friends of the UCF MTRG include (but are not limited to):
D. Defreese, T. Tucker, A. Meylan, B. Witherington, D. Witherington, K. Kneifl, J. Wang, G. Balazs, T. Wibbles, D. Owens, J. Weishampel, M. Bresette, B. Schroeder, E. Possart, S. McPherson, A. M. Lauritsen, K. Dotillo-Bain, P. Tritaik, P. Raymond, R. Mojica, J. Stevenson, J. Hochella, the Moore Family, the Rosengren Family, and every student, intern, or volunteer who has spent a summer with us on the Carr Refuge.
We would also like to thank Citimarine Store and Boston Whaler for their generous support and equipment donations.
To all: Thank you.
The following research projects are currently funded (in part or completely) by the Sea Turtle License Plate Grants Program:
- Equipment to continue a long term juvenile marine turtle population structure and abundance study (2023). This grant provides us with new buoys and tangle netting, replacing our old sea turtle sampling equipment for our in-water work in the coastal waters of central Florida.
- Bringing the UCF Marine Turtle Research Group Database into the 21st Century (2024). This grant supports updates and fixes to the UCF Marine Turtle Research Group’s long-term database.
The Sea Turtle Grants Program is funded from proceeds from the sale of the Florida Sea Turtle License Plate. Learn more at