
TRIP is a 2-year scholarship program that helps students to become highly competitive life science graduates. To this end students will:

  1. Enroll in three sequential classes: Introduction to Research, Group Effort Applied Research (GEAR), and Directed Independent Research. The 4 credit GEAR course serves as an upper level restricted elective for Biology, Biomedical Sciences, and Biotechnology majors. The 1 credit Introduction to Research and Directed Independent Study courses serve as upper level unrestricted electives.
  2. Engage in research with a faculty mentor through the GEAR course.
  3. Participate in TRIP socials, professional development activities, and team-building exercises.
  4. Present original research at local and state-wide science conferences.
  5. Acquire the hard and soft skills necessary for success in STEM.

Below is an outline of the TRIP curriculum:

                      TRIP Event Calendar