
independent publications: *primary investigator, undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers supervised

publications from undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral work


88. Modifying the Substrate-Dependent Pd/Fe2O3 Catalyst–Support Synergism with ZnO Atomic Layer DepositionL. R. Shultz-Johnson, A. Rahmani, J. Frisch, T.-E. Hsieh, L. Hu, J. Sosa, M. Davy, S. Xie, M. J. Beazley, Z. Gao, P. Golvari, T.-H. Wang, T.-G. Ong, N. G. Rudawski, F. Liu, P. Banerjee, X. Feng, M. Bär,* T. Jurca*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2024), 16, 39387-39398.

Diagram showing the effect of ZnO ALD on Pd/Fe2O3 performance by blocking lower reactivity sites, enhancing k2 reactions over k1 by modifying the surface chemistry of the catalyst.

87. Investigation of H2 Plasma Incorporated ALD-TiOx Films as Hole-Selective Passivating Contacts in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells” C.-H. Chen*, S. N. Berriel, T. M. Currie, J. F. Mousumi, N. G. Rudawski, T. Jurca, P. Banerjee, K. O. Davis*, ACS Applied Energy Materials, (2024), 7, 5879-5892.

A cross-sectional diagram of a solar cell structure with layers labeled: ITO, TiOx, SiOx, n-Si, SiO2, poly-Si, and Ag contacts with a magnified view of the SiOx interlayer showing atomic arrangements.

86. Poly(N-Heterocyclic Carbene)-Capped Alloy and Core-Shell AuAg Bimetallic Nanoparticles” D. T. H. Nguyen, S. Salek, L. R. Shultz-JohnsonT. Jurca, M. Belanger-Bouliga, J. C. Byers, A. Nazemi*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2024), in press

Diagram of a chemical structure where M represents either Ag or Au. Below, two microscopic images compare [Au]/[Ag] ratios: the left shows a ratio ≤0.5 and the right shows a ratio >0.5.

85. Vegard’s law in multivariate libraries of porous interpenetrated zirconia organic frameworks” J. I. Furst, J. T. Bryant, K. R. Langlois, S. D. Myers, A. Rahmani, D. C. Fairchild, R. Mehta, T. Jurca*, J. B. Benedict*, F. J. Uribe-Romo*, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, (2024), 11, 3021-3027.

84.Insight into the nature of carbon–metal bonding for N-heterocyclic carbenes in gold/silver complexes and nanoparticles using DFT-correlated Raman spectroscopy: strong evidence for π-backbonding” L. Kuster, M. Belanger-Bouliga, T. E. Shaw, T. Jurca, A. Nazemi*, M. Frenette*, Nanoscale, (2024), 16, 11052-11068.

A scientific illustration showcasing carbon-metal bonds for nanoelectronics applications, featuring Professor Mathieu Frenette's research. Includes a "As featured in: Nanoscale" label and publication details.

83.Room temperature 3D carbon microprintingF. E. Torres-Davila, K. L. Chagoya, E. E. Blanco, S. Shahzad, L. R. Shultz-Johnson, M. Mogensen, A. Gesquiere, T. Jurca, N. Rochdi, R. G. Blair*, L. Tetard*, Nature Communications, (2024), 15, 2745.

82.Dynamic mechanochemistry: accelerated self-sorting of two imine-based metal complexes under solvent-free mechanochemical conditionsT. E. Shaw, J. Arami, J.-F. Ayme, J.-M. Lehn, T. Jurca*, RSC Mechanochemistry, (2024), 1, 33-37.

81.Multivariate Analysis on the Structure–Activity Parameters for Nano-CuOx-Catalyzed Reduction ReactionsL. R. Shultz-Johnson, M. Chang, N. N. Bisram, J. T. Bryant, C. P. Martin, A. Rahmani, J. I. Furst, J. D. Caranto, P. Banerjee*, F. J. Uribe-Romo*, D. R. Gamelin*, T. Jurca*, ACS Applied Nano Materials, (2024), 7, 928-939.


80.Ultrathin Atomic Layer Deposited Al2O3 Overcoat Stabilizes Al2O3-Pt/Ni-Foam Hydrogenation CatalystsA. Rahmani, M. A. Sultanov, K. Kamiru-White, L. R. Shultz-Johnson, B. E. Butkus, S. Xie, F. Liu, D. T. H. Nguyen, N. Wilson-Faubert, A. Nazemi, P. Banerjee, L. Zhai, M. Delferro, J. Wen*, T. Jurca*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2023), 15, 43756-43766.

79. “Molybdenum(III) Amidinate: Synthesis, Characterization, and Vapor Phase Growth of Mo-Based Materials” T. E. Shaw, Z. Ali, T. M. Currie, S. N. Berriel, B. Butkus, J. T. Wagner, K. Preradovic, G. P. A. Yap, J. C. Green, C. L. Stern, P. Banerjee*, A. P. Sattelberger*, L. McElwee-White*, T. Jurca*ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2023), 15, 35590-35599

78.Facile access to mid-valent Group 5 and 6 metal synthonsT. E. Shaw, C. L. Stern, A. P. Sattelberger*, T. Jurca*, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, (2023), 10, 5584-5590.

77.Tracking the Seconds of a Clock Reaction: A Multiparametric Experimental Study on the Catalytic Reduction of Methylene BlueL. R. Shultz, Z. S. Parsons, M. J. Beazley, X. Feng, T. Jurca*, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (2023), 127, 4042–4050 (Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry Volume 2)

76. “Synergistic Steric and Electronic Effects on the Photoredox Catalysis by a Multivariate Library of Titania Metal–Organic Frameworks” J. T. Bryant, M. W. Logan, Z. Chen, M. Djokic, D. R. Cairnie, D. A. Vazquez-Molina, A. Nijamudheen, K. R. Langlois, M. J. Markley, G. Pombar, A. A. Holland, J. D. Caranto, J. K. Harper, A. J. Morris*, J. L. Mendoza-Cortes*, T. Jurca*, K. W. Chapman*, F. J. Uribe-Romo*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2023), 145, 4589–4600

75.Cobalt (Oxy)hydroxide Nanosheets Supported on Nickel Foam as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen EvolutionZ. S. Parsons, L. R. Shultz-Johnson, T. Jurca*, X. Feng*, ACS Applied Engineering Materials, (2023), 1, 2119-2126

74.Pt-Coated Silicon Nanoparticles: An Investigation into the Hydrosilylation on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon Surfaces Using Pt(dvs)” P. Golvari, K. Alkameh, A. Rahmani, T. Jurca, S. M. Kuebler*, Langmuir, (2023), 39, 9154-9161

73.Monomeric and Polymeric Mesoionic N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Tethered Silver Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Stability, and Catalytic Activity” D. T. H. Nguyen, L. R. Shultz, T. Jurca, A. Nazemi*, Langmuir, (2023), 39, 3204–3215

72.Total Synthesis of Polysubstituted γ-Butyrolactone Lignans (−)-Hinokinin, (−)-Bicubebin B, and (−)-Isodeoxypodophyllotoxin via Oxime Carbonate Formation” K. B. Bobek, N. S. Ezzat, B. S. Jones, Y. Bian, T. E. Shaw, T. Jurca, H. Li*, Yu Yuan*, Organic Letters, (2023), 25, 31-36

71.Synthesis and structural elucidation of cage-shaped phosphonium trisphenolato gallium compounds” H. Alhamza, T. E. Shaw, T. Jurca, R. J. Wehmschulte*, Polyhedron, (2023), 233, 116315

70.Release Rate Studies of 5-Aminosalacylic Acid Coated with Atomic Layer-Deposited Al2O3 and ZnO in an Acidic Environment” J. Sosa, S. N. Berriel, C. Feit, T. M. Currie, L. R. Shultz, N. G. Rudawski, T. Jurca, P. Banerjee*, ACS Applied Bio Materials, (2023), 6, 93–103


69.Robust palladium catalysts on nickel foam for highly efficient hydrogenations A. Rahmani, T. M. Currie, L. R. Shultz, J. T. Bryant, M. J. Beazley, F. J. Uribe-Romo, L. Tetard, N. G. Rudawski, S. Xie, F. Liu, T.-H. Wang, T.-G. Ong, L. Zhai, T. Jurca*, Catalysis Science & Technology, (2022), 12, 6992-6997 (Invited Article – Emerging Investigators Series, Highlighted by Catalysis Science & Technology Blog)

68.Nickel foam supported porous copper oxide catalysts with noble metal-like activity for aqueous phase reactionsL. R. Shultz, K. Preradovic, S. Ghimire, H. M. Hadley, S. Xie, V. Kashyap, M. J. Beazley, K. E. Crawford, F. Liu*, K. Mukhopadhyay*, T. Jurca*, Catalysis Science & Technology, (2022), 12, 3804-3816 (cover article)

67.Sulfurized Steel Nanoparticles: A Degradative Byproduct of ZrS2 CVD with Promising Fenton-Type Catalytic ActivityT. M. Currie, A. R. Narkar, N. G. Rudawski, J. T. Bryant, F. J. Uribe‐Romo, L. R. Shultz*, Titel Jurca*, ChemNanoMat, (2022), 8, e202100523

66.Synthesis, characterization, X-ray and electronic structures of diethyl ether and 1,2-dimethoxyethane adducts of molybdenum(IV) chloride and tungsten(IV) chlorideT. E. Shaw, T. J. Diethrich, C. L. Stern, B. L. Scott, T. Jurca*,T. M. Gilbert*, A. P. Sattelberger*, Dalton Transactions, (2022), 51, 7856-7863

65.Reactive Dicarbon as a Flexible Ligand for Transition-Metal Coordination and Catalysis” M.-C. Wu, Y.-F. Liang, T. Jurca, G. P. A. Yap, T.-F. Leung*, T.-G. Ong*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2022), 144, 12996-13005

64.Electronic Structure of Re2(O2CR)4Cl2 Complexes (R = H, CMe3) and Reassignment of the Electronic Absorption Spectrum of Re2(O2CCMe3)4Cl2T. E. Shaw, T. Jurca, J. C. Green, A. P. Sattelberger*, ACS Omega, (2022), 7, 48600–48605

63.Electrospun hydrogel fibers guide HKUST-1 assembly” D. W. Fox, D.-X. Antony, Y. Y. L. Sip, J. Fnu, A. Rahmani, T. Jurca, L. Zhai*, Materials Today Communications, (2022), 33, 104535

62.Surface oxidation of hydrophobic ZnSe for enhanced growth of atomic layer deposited aluminum oxide” C. Feit, J. Sosa, A. Kostogiannes, M. Chazot, N. G. Rudawski, T. Jurca, K. A. Richardson, P. Banerjee*, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, (2022), 40, 052402

61.Process‐Structure‐Properties Relationships of Passivating, Electron‐Selective Contacts Formed by APCVD of Phosphorus‐Doped Polysilicon” J. F. Mousumi, G. Gregory, J. P. Ganesan, C. Nunez, K. Provancha, S. Seren, H. Zunft, T. Jurca, P. Banerjee, A. Kar, R. Kumar, K. O. Davis*, physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters, (2022), 16, 2100639


60.MoCl3(dme)’ Revisited: Improved Synthesis, Characterization, and X-ray and Electronic StructuresT. E. Shaw,  T. J. Diethrich, B. L. Scott, T. M. Gilbert,* A. P. Sattelberger,* T. Jurca*, Inorganic Chemistry, (2021), 60, 12218–12225

59.A 35 year old mystery solved: an improved synthetic route and structural confirmation of tetrachlorobis(diethyl ether) tungsten(IV)T. E. Shaw,  A. P. Sattelberger,* T. Jurca*, Acta Crystallographica C, (2021), C77, 181-185. (cover article highlighted by André Schäfer)

58.Robust Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles via Polymerized Mesoionic N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Gold(I) Complexes” D. Nguyen, M. Bélanger-Bouliga, L. R. Shultz, A. Maity, T. Jurca, A. Nazemi*, Chemistry of Materials, (2021), 33, 9588-9600

57. Cu–Ag Alloy Nanoparticles in Hydrogel Nanofibers for the Catalytic Reduction of Organic Compounds” Y. Y. L. Sip, D. W. Fox, L. R. Shultz, M. Davy, H.-K. Chung, D.-X. Antony, Y. Jung, T. Jurca, L. Zhai,* ACS Applied Nano Materials, (2021), 4, 6045-6056.

56.Design and Validation of a Device for Mitigating Fluid Microgravity Effects in Biological Research in Canister Spaceflight Hardware” W. L. Nicholson,* P. Fajardo-Cavazos, C. Turner, T. M Currie, G. Gregory, T. Jurca and M. Weislogel, Frontiers in Space Technologies, (2021), 2, 797518

55.Ultra-Low Loading Ruthenium on Alumina Monoliths for Facile, Highly Recyclable Reduction of p-Nitrophenol” L. R. Shultz,  C. Feit, J. Stanberry, Z. Gao, S. Xie, V. A. Anagnostopoulos, F. Liu, P. Banerjee,* T. Jurca*, Catalysts, (2021), 11, 165


54. “Using a Nitrophenol Cocktail Screen to Improve Catalyst Down-selection” L. R. Shultz, L. Hu, X. Feng, T. Jurca*, ChemPhysChem (2020) 21, 1627-1631 (Very Important Paper, Highlighted by ChemistryViews)

53.Directing Group-Promoted Inert C-O Activation Using Versatile Boronic Acid as Coupling Agent” R. Ambre, T.-H. Wang, Y.-S. Chen, A. Xian, Y.-F. Liang, T. Jurca*, L. Zhao*, T.-G. Ong*, Chemistry – European Journal, (2020) 26, 17021-17026.

52.Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of the elusive trichlorobis(diethylether)oxomolybdenum(V)T. E. Shaw,  P. LeMagueres, A. P. Sattelberger,* T. Jurca*, Acta Crystallographica C, (2020) C76, 947-951.

51. “A Combined Mechanochemical and Calcination Route to Mixed Cobalt Oxides for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitrophenols” L. R. Shultz, B. McCullough, W. J. Newsome, Haider Ali, T. E. Shaw, K. O. Davis, F.J. Uribe-Romo*, M. Baudelet*, T. Jurca* Molecules, (2020) 25, 89 (cover article)

50. “Millisecond Lifetime Passivation for Silicon Solar Cells using Atomic layer Deposited Molybdenum Oxide with a Thin Aluminum Oxide Interlayer” G. Gregory, C. Feit, Z. Gao, P. Banerjee, T. Jurca, K. O. Davis* Physica Status Solidi a, (2020) 2000093 (cover article)

49.Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition of Molybdenum Oxide for Industrial Solar Cells” G. Gregory, C. Luderer, H. Ali, T. S. Sakthivel, T. Jurca, M. Bivour, S. Seal, K. O. Davis*, Advanced Materials Interfaces, (2020) 7, 2000895.

48. “Synthesis and Evaluation of Molybdenum Imido-Thiolato Complexes for the Aerosol-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of Nitrogen-Doped Molybdenum Disulfide” N.C. Ou, K. Preradovic, E. T. Ferenczy, C. B. Sparrow, I. M. Germaine, T. Jurca, V. Craciun, L. McElwee-White* Organometallics, (2020) 39, 956-966.

47.Electron beam-induced deposition of platinum from Pt(CO)2Cl2 and Pt(CO)2Br2” A. Mahgoub*, H. Lu, R. M. Thorman, K. Preradovic,T. Jurca, L. McElwee-White, D. H. Fairbrother, C. W. Hagen, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology (2020), 11, 1789-1800.

46. “A Comprehensive Evaluation of Contact Recombination and Contact Resistivity Losses in Industrial Silicon Solar Cells” M. Li,* N. Iqbal, N. K. Pannaci, C. Avalos, X. Lin, Z. Yang, T. E. Shaw, T. Jurca, K. O. Davis, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2020) 10, 1277-1282.

45. “Bis-Ferrocenyl-Pyridinediimine Trinuclear Mixed-Valent Complexes with Metal-Binding Dependent Electronic Coupling: Synthesis, Structures, and Redox-Spectroscopic Characterization” C. Carter, Y. Kratish, T. Jurca, Y. Gao, T. J. Marks,  Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2020) 142, 18715-18729

44. “Light and Complex 3D MoS2/Graphene Heterostructures as an Efficient Catalyst for HER” J. Teich, R. Dvir, A. Henning, E. Hamo, M. J. Moody, T. Jurca, H. Cohen, T. J. Marks, B. A. Rosen, L. J. Lauhon, I. Ismach,* Nanoscale, (2020) 12, 2715-2725.


43. “A Broader-scope Analysis of the Catalytic Reduction of Nitrophenols and Azo Dyes with Noble Metal Nanoparticles” L. R. Shultz, L. Hu, K. Preradovic, M. J. Beazley,* X. Feng,* T. Jurca,ChemCatChem, (2019) 11, 2590-2595 (cover article)

42. “One-Pot, One-Step Precatalysts through Mechanochemistry” T. E. Shaw, L. Mathivathanan, T. Jurca,* Organometallics, (2019) 38, 4066-4070

41. “Nickel Carbodicarbene Catalyzes Kumada Cross-Coupling of Aryl Ethers with Grignard Reagents through C-O Bond Activation” R. Ambre, H. Yang, W.-C. Chen, G. P. A. Yapp, T. Jurca,* T.-G. Ong,* European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (2019) 3511-3517image


40. “One-Pot Tandem Photoredox and Cross-Coupling Catalysis with a Single Pd-Carbodicarbene Complex” Y.-C. Hsu, V. C.-C. Wang,* C.-Y Tsai, C.-C. Chang, B.-C. Lin, A.-Y. Ka-Chun, Y.-T Chan, C.-P. Hsu, G. P. A Yap, T. Jurca,* T.-G. Ong,*  Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2018) 57, 4622-4626

39. “Mechanochemical Routes for the Synthesis of acetyl- and bis-(imino)pyridine Ligands and Organometallics” T. E. Shaw, L. R. Shultz, L. R. Garayeva, R. G. Blair, B. C. Noll, T. Jurca,Dalton Transactions, (2018) 47, 16876-16884 (cover article)

38. “Dimers, Monomers and Pentacoordination in a Series of Earth-Abundant Transition Metal Dibromido Complexes Supported by a Neutral SNS Ligand Framework” Y. Hameed, S. Ouanounou, T. Jurca, B. Gabidullin, I. Korobkov, D. Richeson,* Polyhedron, (2018) 154, 252-258 

37. “Control of the Instrinsic Sensor Response to Volatile Organic Compounds in Fringing Electric Fields” A. Henning, N. Swaminathan, Y. Vaknin, T. Jurca, K. Shimanovich, G. Shalev, Y. Rosenwaks*, ACS Sensors, (2018) 3, 128-134

36. “Atomic Layer Deposition of Molybdenum Oxides with Tunable Stoichiometry Enables Controllable Doping of MoS2” M. J. Moody, A. Henning, T. Jurca, J. Y. Shang, H. Bergeron, I. Balla, J. Olding, E. Weiss, M. Hersam, T. l. Lohr, T. J. Marks, L. J. Lauhon,* Chemistry of Materials, (2018) 30, 3628-3632.

35. “Step-Growth Titanium-Catalysed Dehydropolymerisation of Amine-Boranes” T. Jurca, T. Dellermann, N. E. Stubbs, D. A. Resendiz-Lara, G. R. Whittell,* I. Manners,* Chemical Science, (2018) 9, 3360-3366


34. “Carbodicarbenes: Unexpected π-Accepting Ability during Re-activity with Small Molecules” W.-C. Chen, W.-C. Shih, T. Jurca, L. Zhao, D. M. Andrada, C.-J. Peng, C.-C. Chang, S.-K. Liu, Y.-P. Wang, Y.-S. Wen, G. P. A. Yap, C.-P. Hsu, G. Frenking, T.-Gan Ong Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017, 139, 12830.

Abstract Image

33. “Effect of Varying Chain Length of n-alcohols and n-alkanes Detected with Electrostatically-formed Nanowire Sensor” N. Swaminathan, A. Henning, T. Jurca, G. Shalev, Y. Rosenwaks, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 248, 240.Effect of varying chain length of n-alcohols and n-alkanes ...

32. “Synthesis, Characterisation, and Properties of Poly(aryl)phosphinoboranes Formed via Iron-catalysed Dehydropolymerisation” J. R. Turner, D. A. Resendiz-Lara, T. Jurca, A. Schafer, J. R. Vance, L. Beckett, G. R. Whittell, R. A. Musgrave, H. A. Sparkes, I. Manners, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. (2017), 218, 1700120.

31. “Efficient Carbon-Supported Heterogeneous Molybdenum-Dioxo Catalyst for Chemoselective Reductive Carbonyl Coupling” S. Liu, J. Li, T. Jurca, T. L. Lohr, P. C. Stair, T. J. Marks, Catalysis Science and Technology (2017), 7, 2165.

30. “Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of MoS2 Films” T. Jurca, M. J. Moody, A. Henning, B. Wang, J. D. Emery, J. M. Tan, T. L. Lohr, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2017), 56, 4991. (“equally contributing authors)

29. “Second-Generation Hexavalent Molybdenum Oxo-Amidinate Precursors for Atomic Layer Deposition” T. Jurca, A. W. Peters, A. R. Mouat, O. K. Farha, J. T. Hupp, T. L. Lohr, M. Delferro, T. J. Marks, Dalton Transactions (2017), 46, 1172.


28. “Structural and Electronic Trends for Five Coordinate 1st Row Transition Metal Complexes: Mn(II) to Zn(II) Captured in a Bis(iminopyridine) Framework” T. Jurca, S. Ouanounou, W.-C. Shih, T.-G. Ong, I. Korobkov, S. Gorelsky, D. S. Richeson, Dalton Transactions, (2016), 45, 14327.

27. “A Convenient Route to Mono-alkyl Substituted Phosphanylboranes HRP-BH2-NMe3, Prospective Precursors to Poly(alkylphosphinoboranes)” A. Stauber, T. Jurca, C. Marquardt, M. Fleischmann, M. Seidl, G. R. Whittell, I. Manners, M. Scheer, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (2016), 17, 2684.

26. “Employing Sterically Encumbered Bis(imino)pyridine Ligands in Support of fac-Rhenium(I) Carbonyls” T. Jurca, O. Ramadan, I. Korobkov, D. S. Richeson, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (2016), 802, 27.

25. “Aluminum Borate Nanowires from the Pyrolysis of Polyaminoborane Precursors” V. A. Du, T. Jurca, G. R. Whittell, I. Manners, Dalton Transactions, (2016), 45, 1055. (“equally contributing authors)


24. “Expanding Ligand Framework Diversity of Carbodicarbenes and Direct Observation of Boron Activation in Methylation of Amines with CO2” W.-C. Chen, J.-S. Shen, T. Jurca, C.-J. Peng, Y.-H. Lin, Y.-P. Wang, W.-C. Shih, G. P. A. Yap, T.-G. Ong. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2015), 54, 15207.

23. “B-Methylated Amine-Boranes: Substituent Redistribution, Catalytic Dehydrogenation, and Facile Metal-Free Hydrogen Transfer Reactions” N. E. Stubbs, A. Schäfer, A. P. M. Robertson, E. M. Leitao, T. Jurca, H. A. Sparkes, C. H. Woodall, M. F. Haddow, I. Manners, Inorganic Chemistry (2015), 54, 10878.

22. “Metal-Free Addition/Head-to-Tail Polymerization of Transient Phosphinoboranes, RPH-BH2: A Route to Poly(alkylphosphinoboranes)” C. Marquardt, T. Jurca, K.-Ch. Schwan, A. Stauber, A. V. Virovets, A. Y. Timoshkin, G. R. Whittell, I. Manners, M. Scheer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2015), 54, 13782. (“equally contributing authors, designated “VIP” and featured as cover article)

21. “Iron-Catalyzed Dehydropolymerisation: A Convenient Route to Polyphosphinoboranes with Molecular Weight Control” Schäfer, T. Jurca, J. Turner, J. R. Vance, K. Lee, V. A. Du, M. F. Haddow, G. R. Whittell, I. Manners, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2015), 54, 4836. (“equally contributing authors, “Hot Paper”)


20. “The Effect of Phosphine Steric and Electronic Profile on the Rh-promoted Dehydrocoupling of Phosphine-Boranes” T. N. Hooper, M. A. Huertos, T. Jurca, S. D. Pike, A. S. Weller, I. Manners, Inorganic Chemistry, (2014), 53, 3716.

19. “The Tipping Point of the Inert Pair Effect: Experimental and Computational Comparison of In(I) and Sn(II) bis(imino)pyridine Complexes” T. Jurca, L. K. Hiscock, C. N. Rowley, D. S. Richeson, Dalton Transactions, (2014), 43, 690.


18. “Catalysis in Service of Main Group Chemistry Offers a Versatile Approach to p-block Molecules and Materials” E. M. Leitao, T. Jurca, I. Manners, Nature Chemistry., (2013), 5, 817.(“equally contributing authors)

17. “Polyaminoborane scission into donor-stabilised monomeric aminoborane adducts using N-heterocyclic carbenes” N. E. Stubbs, T. Jurca, E. M. Leitao, I. Manners, Chemical Communications, (2013), 49, 9098.

16. “Mechanisms of the Thermal and Catalytic Redistributions, Oligomerizations, and Polymerizations of Linear Diborazanes” A. P. M. Robertson, E. M. Leitao, T. Jurca, M. F. Haddow, H. Helten, G. C. Lloyd-Jones, I. Manners, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2013), 135, 12670.

15. “Non-Covalent Interactions of Metal Cations and Arenes Probed with Thallium(I) Complexes” T. Jurca, I. Korobkov, S. I. Gorelsky, D. S. Richeson. Inorganic Chemistry, (2013), 52, 5749.

14. “Solid-State Thermolysis of a fac-Rhenium(I) Carbonyl Complex with a Redox Non-Innocent Pincer Ligand” T. Jurca, W. C. Chen, S. Michel, I. Korobkov, T. G. Ong, D. S. Richeson, Chemistry – European Journal (2013), 19, 4278.


13. “The 2,2’-Diindolylmethane Dianion Supporting Scaffold for Group 15 Compounds” I. Mallov, H. Spinney, T. Jurca, S. I. Gorelsky, T. J. Burchell, D. S. Richeson, Inorganica Chimica Acta, (2012), 392, 5.

12. “The Interplay of Metal and Supporting Ligand in Labile Coordination to Pincer Complexes of Ag(I)” T. Jurca, S. Ouanounou, I. Korobkov, S. I. Gorelsky, D. S. Richeson, Dalton Trans., (2012), 41,4765. (Cover article)

11. “Using 69/71Ga Solid-State NMR and 127I NQR as Probes to Elucidate the Composition of “GaI”” C. M. Widdifield, T. Jurca, D. S. Richeson, D. L. Bryce, Polyhedron, (2012), 35, 1, 96.

10. “Subtle Reactivities of Boron and Aluminum Complexes with Amino Linked N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligation” C. Tai, Y. T. Chang, T. Jurca, G. P. A. Yap, T. G. Ong, Organometallics, (2012), 31, 2, 637.


9. “Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior with a Single Metal Center Enhanced Through Peripheral Ligand Modifications” T. Jurca, A. Farghal, P. H. Lin, I. Korobkov, M. Murugesu, D. S. Richeson, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2011), 133, 15814. (Highlighted in ACS Quantum Molecular Magnet Issue, Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 12055)

8. “Novel Pincer Complexes of Ag(I), Coordination of Toluene and their Comparison with Indium Analogues” T. Jurca, S. I. Gorelsky, I. Korobkov, D. S. Richeson, Dalton Transactions, (2011), 40, 4394.


7. “Harnessing Low-Valent Metal Centers through Non-Bonding Orbital Interactions” T. Jurca, I. Korobkov, G. P. A. Yap, S. I. Gorelsky, D. S. Richeson, Inorganic Chemistry, (2010), 49 (22), 10635.

6. “Multinuclear Solid-State Magnetic Resonance Study of In+ and Ag+ in Neutral Weakly Coordinating Environments” A. Y. H. Lo, T. Jurca, D. S. Richeson, D. L. Bryce, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, (2010), 1, 3078.

5. “Disproportionation and radical formation in the coordination of “GaI” with bis(imino)pyridines” T. Jurca, K. Dawson, I. Mallov, T. Burchell, G. P. A. Yap, D. S. Richeson, Dalton Transactions, (2010) 39, 1266.


4. “Capturing In+ Monomers in a Neutral Weakly Coordinating Environment” T. Jurca, J. Lummiss, T. J. Burchell, S. I. Gorelsky, D. S. Richeson, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2009), 131, 4608.


3. “Time as a Dimension in High-Throughput Homogeneous Catalysis” J.M. Blacquiere, T. Jurca, J. W. E. Weiss, D. E. Fogg, Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (2008), 350, 2849.

2. “Lewis Acid-catalyzed Hydrogenation: B(C6F5)3-mediated Reduction of Imines and Nitriles with H2” P. A. Chase, T. Jurca, D. W. Stephan, Chemical Communications, (2008), 1701. (Designated “Hot Article”).


1. “Metal-Free Catalytic Hydrogenation” P. A. Chase, G. C. Welch, T. Jurca, D.W. Stephan, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2007) 46, 8050. (Designated “VIP”, featured as cover article, and highlighted in C&EN News Sept 6th 2007)