2022 Teams

We are pleased to announce that two UCF teams have successfully participated the 2022 MCM/ICM competitions during February 17-21, 2022. One team has been designated as the Meritorious Winner and the other team the Successful Participant. Since 2017, 5 teams from UCF have received Meritorious awards, 3 teams Honorable Mentions, and 8 teams Successful Participants.

Team # 2227367 on Problem C “Trading Strategies
Evan Aldrich (Math Major; Senior)
Al-sadh Imadh (Math Major; Freshman)
Caleb May (Math Major; Sophomore)

was designated as Meritorious Winner certificate

Team # 2227128 on Problem E “Forestry for Carbon Sequestration
Danielle Metivier (Math Major; Senior)
Luis Santori (Math and Physics Major; Sophomore)
Connor Shrader (Math Major; Computer Science Minor; Junior)

was designated as Successful Participant certificate