
UCF PER is “Notable”

The Chini Physics Education Research group earned our first Physics Education Research Notable Paper designation in 2017, and we continued to earn this designation in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Congrats, team!

Jackie actually updated the website…

This website has been neglected since 2017… parenting apparently takes time! Funding, Publication and People updates between 2017 and 2021 are noted on their respective pages but likely won’t be added here.

Paper on Learning Profiles in Studio Physics Published

Jarrad Pond’s paper on identifying learning profiles in algebra-based studio physics was published in Physical Review Physics Education Research.

Brian Receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

Brian Zamarripa Roman was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for his proposed research on gender in physics! Read more here!

Paper on GTA Buy-in Published & Selected as an Editors’ Suggestion

Our exploration of GTA Buy-in to reformed instruction was published in Physical Review Physics Education Research and selected as an Editors’ Suggestion! Congratulations to Matthew Wilcox for his first first author publication!

TeachLivE Research Featured on APS Physics

Our work with the Learning Assistants and TeachLivE was featured on the APS news site Physics.

TeachLivE Work Featured on New Scientist

Dr. Chini and the TeachLivE simulator were highlighted by New Scientist.

Paper on Learning Assistants Using TeachLivE Simulator Published!

Our paper on Learning Assistants Practicing pedagogical skills in the mixed reality classroom simulator TeachLivE was published in the Focused Collection on Preparing and Supporting University Educators in Physical Review- Physics Education Research.