New publication alert in the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. The paper, “Facial trustworthiness perceptions across the adult lifespan” led by Didem Pehlivanoglu, describes the impact of perceiver and facial characteristics on facial trustworthiness perception across adulthood. The project included collaboration across five universities and two countries: University of Florida […]
Yearly Archives: 2022
Congratulations to undergraduate researchers, Haily Follese, Trenton Lam, and Sadie Hughey, who have been awarded student research grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) and the Learning Institute for Elders (LIFE) at UCF! And congratulations to undergraduate lab manager, Zounaira Shahzad, on her LIFE at UCF Disability, Aging & […]
As the capstone to his Summer Undergrad Research Fellowship, Trenton Lam presented at the UCF Summer Research Poster Showcase. Trenton’s summer project examined how trust-related behavior with new social partners is shaped by past betrayals of trust using a multi-round version of the Trust Game. His results showed that those […]
Congrats to recent AD&D Lab Ph.D. graduate, Xiaoqing Wan, Dr. Lighthall, and UCF Statistics and Data Science colleague, Dr. Rui Xie, on their paper: “Consistent and Robust Predictors of Internet Use among Older Adults over Time Identified by Machine Learning” — which is in press at the journal of Computers […]
Local NPR station 90.7 WMFE featured a story about our Florida Consortium to Reduce Misinformation and Exploitation in Alzheimer’s Disease, funded by the Florida Department of Health. You can listen to the story and read the transcript here. The story highlights the consortium’s aim to develop a tool kit that […]
Read UCF Today’s story on our lab’s lead role in the Florida Consortium to Reduce Misinformation and Exploitation in Alzheimer’s Disease, funded by the Florida Department of Health! The story highlights our lab’s mission to determine risk factors for vulnerability to deception and develop tools for early detection of scam […]
Congratulations to incoming AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Maggie Doheny, on earning a UCF Summer Mentoring Fellowship award! With funding support from Graduate Studies, Maggie will complete a summer research project before beginning graduate school. Maggie’s summer project study will use computational modeling to compare trust-related learning in social and non-social […]
Congrats to AD&D Lab member Xiaoqing Wan on earning her Ph.D.! This semester, Xiaoqing successfully defended her dissertation, “Predictors of technology use among older adults: Evidence from non-users to elite users.” Dr. Wan is now working as a Senior Data Scientist at SAANS Health. Best wishes, Xiaoqing!
Dr. Lighthall, along with MPIs Dr. Natalie Ebner (University of Florida) and Dr. Bob Wilson (University of Arizona), were awarded a Multi-PI R01 from the National Institute on Aging entitled, “Characterizing and Modulating Neurocognitive Processes in Learning to Trust and Distrust in Aging.” The goals of this project are to […]
In their new publication in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, “Aging in an “infodemic”: The role of analytical reasoning, affect, and news consumption frequency on news veracity detection” by Pehlivanoglu, Lighthall, Lin, Chi, Perez, Polk, Cahill, & Ebner find that age-related vulnerabilities to deceptive news may only become apparent in […]