A new collaborative paper in Scientific Reports by Ebner Lab (UF) and Lighthall Lab members describes age differences in trust-related decision making and learning. Using a novel adaptation of the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), facial cues of trustworthiness were paired with IGT card decks such that they were either congruent […]
In their new publication in Activities, Adaptation & Aging, recent AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Xiaoqing Wan, Dr. Lighthall, and Penn State colleague, Dr. Nelson Roque, found that markers of successful aging predicted elite-levels of tech use in older age. These markers included better cognition, socioeconomics, and self-efficacy. The study also […]
Dr. Lighthall partnered with One Senior Place on September 8th to provide the center’s members with practical advice on how to stay safe online. She presented current research on trust-based decision making. This background provided context to help seniors more effectively and safely manage their online activities.
The AD&D Lab will be contributing to a new R01 project led by Dr. Ladda Thiamwong (UCF Nursing), funded by the NIH National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). The project entitled, “Optimizing a technology-based body and mind intervention to prevent falls and reduce health disparities in low-income […]
New publication alert in the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. The paper, “Facial trustworthiness perceptions across the adult lifespan” led by Didem Pehlivanoglu, describes the impact of perceiver and facial characteristics on facial trustworthiness perception across adulthood. The project included collaboration across five universities and two countries: University of Florida […]
Congrats to recent AD&D Lab Ph.D. graduate, Xiaoqing Wan, Dr. Lighthall, and UCF Statistics and Data Science colleague, Dr. Rui Xie, on their paper: “Consistent and Robust Predictors of Internet Use among Older Adults over Time Identified by Machine Learning” — which is in press at the journal of Computers […]
Local NPR station 90.7 WMFE featured a story about our Florida Consortium to Reduce Misinformation and Exploitation in Alzheimer’s Disease, funded by the Florida Department of Health. You can listen to the story and read the transcript here. The story highlights the consortium’s aim to develop a tool kit that […]
Read UCF Today’s story on our lab’s lead role in the Florida Consortium to Reduce Misinformation and Exploitation in Alzheimer’s Disease, funded by the Florida Department of Health! The story highlights our lab’s mission to determine risk factors for vulnerability to deception and develop tools for early detection of scam […]
Dr. Lighthall, along with MPIs Dr. Natalie Ebner (University of Florida) and Dr. Bob Wilson (University of Arizona), were awarded a Multi-PI R01 from the National Institute on Aging entitled, “Characterizing and Modulating Neurocognitive Processes in Learning to Trust and Distrust in Aging.” The goals of this project are to […]
In their new publication in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, “Aging in an “infodemic”: The role of analytical reasoning, affect, and news consumption frequency on news veracity detection” by Pehlivanoglu, Lighthall, Lin, Chi, Perez, Polk, Cahill, & Ebner find that age-related vulnerabilities to deceptive news may only become apparent in […]
Lead PI Dr. Lighthall, along with Co-PIs Dr. Natalie Ebner (University of Florida) and Dr. Bonnie Levin (University of Miami), were awarded a Consortium Grant from the Florida Department of Health’s Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program. This four-year grant project will examine cognitive and neural mechanisms of […]
In their new publication in Computers in Human Behavior, AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Xiaoqing Wan, Dr. Lighthall and UCF Clinical Psychology colleague, Dr. Daniel Paulson, show that subjective health stands out among self-perception measures as a robust predictor of Internet use in older adults. Of particular importance, the study’s findings […]
Congratulations to AD&D Lab collaborator, Dr. Didem Pehlivanoglu (UF), for receiving the APA Division 20 Postdoctoral Research Award. Her first-authored presentation entitled, “Aging in an “infodemic”: The role of cognition, affect, and experience on news veracity detection during the COVID-19 pandemic”, features findings from a collaborative project between the UF […]
In their new publication in Brain and Cognition, AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Lindsay Conner and Dr. Lighthall, in collaboration with University of Florida co-authors Natalie Ebner (Professor of Psychology) and Marilyn Horta (Postdoctoral Fellow), present a novel fMRI task for isolating effects of memory processes on value mechanisms. Findings from […]
With UCF Psychology faculty, Drs. Bohil and Bedwell, Dr. Lighthall recently received funding from a DOD Defense Health Agency Small Business Technology Transfer grant. This collaborative project with SoarTech Inc. explores physiological-cognitive state sensing using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).
The Aging Brain: Functional Adaptation Across Adulthood is now available from APA Books, with contributions from the AD&D Lab! This multidisciplinary volume examines structural and functional changes in the aging brain, and the mechanisms underlying such changes. Dr. Lighthall and Lindsay Conner collaborated with Dr. Kelly Giovanello (University of North […]
In their new publication in Frontiers in Neuroscience, “Application of graph theory for identifying connectivity patterns in human brain networks: A systematic review“, Farzad Farahani, Dr. Waldemar Karwowski, and Dr. Lighthall provide new insights into how to utilize graph theoretical measures to make neurobiological inferences regarding the mechanisms underlying human […]
In their new publication in WIREs: Cognitive Science, “CISDA: Changes in Integration for Social Decisions in Aging“, Dr. Lighthall and co-authors from the University of Florida (UF) propose a specification of the Affect‐Integration‐Motivation framework for understanding social decision making across adulthood. Their model outlines how age‐related changes to neurocognition and […]
In their new publication in The Journal of Neuroscience, “Feedback-based learning in aging: Contributions and trajectories of change in striatal and hippocampal systems“, Dr. Lighthall and her co-authors present novel findings indicating that hippocampal circuits supporting learning and memory decline more than striatal circuits in healthy aging. Their results further […]
First-year PhD student, Kylie Fernandez, presented her research at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting in NYC. Her poster entitled, “Asymmetry in attention and memory while learning in gain versus loss domains”, presents work in collaboration with Dr. Camelia Kuhnen of the UNC Kenan–Flagler Business School.