Dr. Lighthall, along with MPIs Dr. Natalie Ebner (University of Florida) and Dr. Bob Wilson (University of Arizona), were awarded a Multi-PI R01 from the National Institute on Aging entitled, “Characterizing and Modulating Neurocognitive Processes in Learning to Trust and Distrust in Aging.” The goals of this project are to […]
Lead PI Dr. Lighthall, along with Co-PIs Dr. Natalie Ebner (University of Florida) and Dr. Bonnie Levin (University of Miami), were awarded a Consortium Grant from the Florida Department of Health’s Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program. This four-year grant project will examine cognitive and neural mechanisms of […]
In their new publication in Brain and Cognition, AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Lindsay Conner and Dr. Lighthall, in collaboration with University of Florida co-authors Natalie Ebner (Professor of Psychology) and Marilyn Horta (Postdoctoral Fellow), present a novel fMRI task for isolating effects of memory processes on value mechanisms. Findings from […]
Dr. Lighthall’s new publication, “Neural mechanisms of decision‐making in aging“, provides an overview of how decision making changes during normal, healthy aging, and how age-related changes to the brain may alter decision processing across adulthood. The review synergizes evidence indicating different patterns of age-related change in regions that support bottom-up […]
In their new publication in The Journal of Neuroscience, “Feedback-based learning in aging: Contributions and trajectories of change in striatal and hippocampal systems“, Dr. Lighthall and her co-authors present novel findings indicating that hippocampal circuits supporting learning and memory decline more than striatal circuits in healthy aging. Their results further […]
Dr. Lighthall proudly modeling her hospital gown before testing out the Orlando VA’s new 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner.
The AD&D Lab is embarking on a new fMRI study in collaboration with Dr. Natalie Ebner, Director of the Social-Cognitive and Affective Development Lab at the University of Florida in Gainesville. The project will examine how the brain integrates emotional and nonemotional memories about consumer products and how this affects […]