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- Email:
- Send an email to with the following text in the body of the email (make sure to replace “FirstName” and “LastName” with your first and last name):
subscribe cos-psych-targetedresearchtrain
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- Send an email to with the following text in the body of the email (make sure to replace “FirstName” and “LastName” with your first and last name):
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- You won’t have the ability to email the listserv, so all you have to do is sit back, relax, and receive content. Targeted Research Training will
email you via the listserv whenever we have helpful content for hospitality professionals, students, researchers, or anyone who is interested in promoting the health and safety of hospitality employees!
- You won’t have the ability to email the listserv, so all you have to do is sit back, relax, and receive content. Targeted Research Training will
Students: Getting Involved
If you are a student or faculty member that belongs to a Sunshine Education and Research Center Program and you have an interest in hospitality intervention research, join the Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG).
To apply to work on a specific project, please submit an application.
Industry Partners
We offer tailored research and intervention services for hospitality organizations at no cost. That means that if your hospitality workplace is dealing with a health or safety issue, we will utilize our research and intervention skills to analyze the need for a solution, develop and implement the solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution. Our research focus is well-suited to answer a number of safety and well-being issues, from accidents and injuries, to employee stress or absenteeism.
Support Student Enrichment
Facilitate student immersion in the hospitality industry through job shadowing, practicum experiences, and internship opportunities.
Each semester, the TRT Program hosts a workshop on an issue relevant to the health and safety of hospitality professionals. Attend these free workshops in-person or online to learn about cutting-edge workplace solutions from researchers and industry leaders.
The TRT program is currently engaged in a number of research projects focused on the health and safety of hospitality workers. We are always open to opportunities for research collaboration and establishing new working relationships with academics from a variety of disciplines.
If you are interested in collaborating with the TRT program, please contact us at
For more questions about the Sunshine Education and Research Center and the Targeted Research Training Program, please contact Dr. Mindy Shoss at