About TRG
Welcome to the Transportation Research Group (TRG) website! Our research laboratory, located in the Psychology department at the University of Central Florida (UCF), focuses on enhancing surface, aviation, and aerospace transportation safety and efficiency through applied research, design validation, and training systems support. Within just our TRG laboratory, we have three divisions: surface transportation, aviation/aerospace, and neurolinguistics.
Each of our divisions is comprised of both graduate and undergraduate students and supervised by Dr. Mustapha Mouloua, a UCF professor and former director of the Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology PhD program. Research from our various projects contributes to our overall knowledge of transportation systems and the role of the humans operating within them.
Specific areas of research include:
- Individual differences in driving and UAS operation
- High-risk/aggressive driving behavior
- In-vehicle navigational systems
- Driver/operator workload and fatigue
- Trust in automated systems
- Language processing in monolinguals and bilinguals
TRG research has been presented at various conferences including:
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Annual Meeting
- International Symposium for Aviation Psychology (ISAP)
- Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) Conference
- American Psychological Association (APA) Conference
- Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) Conference
- Southeastern Human Factors Applied Research Conference (SHARC)
Lab Divisions
TRG’s Guide to Research Conferences
Keep your hands on the wheel, keep your eyes on the road, and keep your mind focused on driving.
– Dr. Mark Lee Edwards (May 2001). Testimony before the U.S. Congress on the danger of using telematic devices while driving. Supported by empirical data from the TRG (Dr. Mouloua, Principal Investigator; AAA Technical Report, June 2001).