Student Selection and Recruitment

To ensure a very fair student representation from underrepresented minority, disabled, first-generation, and 2-year college students, we will select 60% of our REU students from these underrepresented groups.  We will also ensure to include 60% of our students from outside Florida. This will have a broader impact on these underrepresented students by allowing them to be part of this REU opportunity, actively engage in hands-on research training, conduct empirical research in applied psychological sciences that has an ever  lasting impact on the advancement of science and technology, health and well being, safety, society, and environment. Below is a detailed description of the selection process.

  1. All students must have at least a 3.25 Minimum GPA with a Sophomore of Junior standing so that this REU Experience will be included in their graduate application by the time the reach a senior standing.  Senior students who participate in the summer REU program would have received their acceptance or decline by then, and therefore, this REU experience may not be reflected in their application.
  2. 6 out of the 10 students will be selected from outside Florida. We will use a variety or advertizing outlets to reach out to our prospective REU students.  UCF has a diversity office that can help with this process.  We will contact various historical disadvantaged schools like FAMU, Georgia,
  3. We will also advertise our REU project in various professional organizations such as the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES.ORG), the American Psychological Association (APA.ORG), the American Psychological Science (APS.ORG) newspapers, university websites, honors societies, student clubs, psychology classes and undergraduate programs, advising centers, student career center, etc.
  4. We will advertize our REU Site program at various professional conferences during the Fall and Spring semesters.

At this time, applications are not being reviewed.