I’m looking for graduate students with a background or demonstrated an interest in one of the following:
- – Taxonomy and evolution of Hymenoptera, particularly Ichneumonoidea.
- – Bioinformatics, with a focus on biodiversity informatics, or developing tools for studying molecular and/or genome evolution
- – Insect Phylogenomics using next-gen sequencing technologies
Unfortunately, I cannot accept students in other subdisciplines of entomology at this time.
Applicants should send an email to Dr. Sharanowski (barb.sharanowski[a]ucf.edu) with the following documents:
- a CV outlining research experience with references included
- a copy of current transcripts (covering at least the past 2 years)
- and a statement of research interests including why you want to join the Sharanowski Lab
Only serious inquiries and those prospective students who follow these instructions will be considered. Preference will be given to USA students or landed immigrants, but international students are encouraged to apply.
Potential post-docs are also welcome to inquire about opportunities. At this time only students eligible for the NSERC Post-doctoral fellowship or students who can obtain their own funding will be considered.
Click here to learn more about UCF.
Undergraduates looking to get research experience in entomology with a focus on molecular systematics, taxonomy, or evolution of Hymenoptera are also encouraged to apply. Please email Dr. Sharanowski explaining your interests and experiecne (if any). Prefernce is given to those with a demonstarted passion in entomology and/or have taken Gen Ent (Eny 4004).