Fourth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications

The fourth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications will held at Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, December 14 and 15, 2019.  The conference is partially supported by China Natural Science Foundation and   Foundation to  build  first-class disciplines of Zhejiang Province.

Hangzhou is the capital and most populous city of Zhejiang Province in east China and is about 100 miles from Shanghai. The city’s West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is amongst its best-known attraction. Hangzhou is an emerging technology hub and home to the e-commerce giant Alibaba. It hosted the eleventh G-20 summit in 2016 and will host the 2022 Asian Games.   Enduring Memories of Hangzhou

Purpose of this annual event is to create a platform to exchange ideas on harmonic analysis and applications, especially for young mathematician.

The first Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 24-25, 2016 with about 50 participants,  the second Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 16-17, 2017 with about 70 participants, and the the third Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 15-16, 2018 with about  65 participants.

All talks will be arranged at Sailing International Hotel Hangzhou, (杭州启航国际大酒店, 杭州西湖区百家园路128号). If you like to participant the workshop (and give a talk), please contact  Professors Taotao Zheng (, or  Qiquan Fang ( or Qiyu Sun (  as soon as possible.

We are expecting to arrange more than 20 talks on  December 14 and 15, 2019.  The registration starts from December 13 afternoon, and you can check out hotel on December 16.

The following  are confirmed to attend the fourth workshop.

  1. 蔡剑锋 (Jianfeng Cai), 香港科技大学 (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)  Talk: Optimal low-rank tensor recovery
  2. 曹军 (Jun Cao), 浙江工业大学 Zhejiang University of Technology
  3. 陈迪荣(Dirong Chen)北京航空航天大学(Beihang University)  Talk:  Reduced-Rank-Regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
  4. 陈辉 (Hui Chen),  浙江科技学院 (Zhejiang University of Science and Technology )
  5. 陈建军 (Jianjun Chen),  浙江科技学院 (Zhejiang University of Science and Technology )
  6. 陈良之 (Liangzhi Chen)  中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)  Talk: Statistical justification of SVM on Banach spaces
  7. 谌稳固 (Wengu Chen), 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 ( Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
  8. 陈洋(Yang Chen) 湖南师范大学(Hunan Normal University)  Talk: Phase retrieval of complex and vector-valued functions
  9. 丁勇 (Yong Ding) 北京师范大学 (Beijing Normal University)
  10. 房启全(Qiquan Fang) 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  11. 付艳玲 Yanling Fu 河南财经政法大学 Henan University of Economics and Law
  12. 郭慧君 (Huijun Guo) 桂林电子科技大学( Guilin University of Electronic Technology)
  13. 胡国恩(Guoen Hu) 信息工程大学 (Information Engineering University)
  14. 黄强 (Qiang Huang),  浙江师范大学 (Zhejiang Normal University)
  15. Byeongseon Jeong 梨花女子大学 (Ewha Woman’s University, Korea) Talk: Noise reduction by improved weighted nuclear norm minimization
  16. 纪辉  (Hui Ji),    新加坡国立大学 (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Talk: Deep learning for image restoration/reconstruction
  17. 贾厚玉 (Houyu Jia),  浙江大学 (Zhejiang University)
  18. 蒋英春 ( Yingchun Jiang), 桂林电子科技大学( Guilin University of Electronic Technology) Talk: Sampling of time-space signals in a mixed Lebesgue space
  19. 金永阳 (Yongyang Jin) 浙江工业大学 (Zhejiang University of Technology)
  20. 寇俊克 ( Junke Kou) 桂林电子科技大学( Guilin University of Electronic Technology)
  21. 乐文俊 (Wenjun Le),   浙江科技学院 (Zhejiang University of Science and Technology )
  22. 冷劲松 (Jinsong Leng) 电子科技大学 (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)  Talk: Study on g-frame for signal transmission
  23. 李保滨 (Baobin Li) 中国科学院大学 (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)  Talk: Coupling chaotic system based on unit transform and Its applications in image encryption
  24. 李登峰 (Defeng Li) 武汉纺织大学( Wuhan Textile University)
  25. 李海锋 (Haifeng Li),  北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 ( Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)  and 河南师范大学 (Henan Normal University)
  26. 李宏亮 (Hongiang Li),  浙江外国语学院 (Zhejiang International Studies University)
  27. 李岚 (Lan Li), 西安石油大学 (Xian Shiyou University)  Talk:
  28.  李朋 (Peng Li), 香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong)  Talk: Inertial proximal ADMM for separable multi-block convex optimizations and compressive affine phase retrieval
  29. 李澎涛(Pengtao Li)青岛大学(Qingdao University) Talk: Generalized Q-type spaces associated with Orlicz functions
  30. 李亚玲(Yaling Li) 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  31. 李亚旭 (Yaxu Li) , 中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)
  32. 李尤发 (Youfa Li), 广西大学 ( Guangxi University)
  33. 李云章 (Yunzhang Li), 北京工业大学 (Beijing University of Technology )
  34. 林荣荣 (Rongrong Lin), 中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)
  35. 刘和平 (Heping Liu) 北京大学 (Peking University)
  36. 马柏林(Bolin Ma) 嘉兴学院(Jiaxing University)
  37. 汝少雷 (Shaolei Ru),  浙江师范大学 (Zhejiang Normal University)
  38. 阮建苗 (Jianmiao Ruan),  浙江外国语学院 (Zhejiang International Studies University)
  39. 沈守枫 (Shoufeng Shen), 浙江工业大学 (Zhejiang University of Technology)
  40. 沈益 (Yi Shen), 浙江理工大学 ( Zhejiang Sci-Tech University)  Talk: Iterative hard thresholding methods and their applications
  41. 石磊 (Lei Shi ), 复旦大学(Fudan University)
  42. 施咸亮(Xianliang Shi)湖南师范大学(Hunan Normal University)
  43.  Chang Eon Shin, 西江大学 (Sogang University, Korea)  Talk: Norm-controlled inversion of infinite matrices
  44. 孙颀彧(Qiyu Sun) 中弗罗里达大学(University of Central Florida)
  45. 孙文昌 (Wenchang Sun), 南开大学  (Nankai University)
  46. 陶祥兴(Xiangxing Tao) 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  47. 田雨 (Yu Tian) 郑州轻工业大学 (Zhengzhou University of Light Industry)
  48. 王健 (Jian Wang), 复旦大学 (Fudan University)  Talk:  Sparsity constrained problems in ghost imaging
  49. 王梦 (Meng Wang), 浙江大学 (Zhejiang University)
  50. 王斯雷 (Silei Wang),  浙江大学 (Zhejiang University)
  51. 吴迪 (Di Wu),  浙江科技学院 (Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  52. 冼军 ( Jun Xian), 中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)  Talk: Reconstruction from convolution random sampling in local shift invariant spaces
  53. 肖伟梁 (Weiliang Xiao),  南京财经大学 (Nanjing University of Finance and Economics)
  54. 徐洪坤 (Hongkun Xu)  杭州电子科技大学 (Hangzhou Dianzi University)
  55. 徐孝达 Xiaoda Xu, 中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)
  56. 燕敦验(Dunyan Yan)中科院大学(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  57. 杨建斌 (Jianbin Yang)  河海大学 (Hohai University) Talk: Wavelet frame based scattered data reconstruction
  58. 杨奇祥(Qixiang Yang)武汉大学(Wuhan University), Talk: Parameterized linear and bilinear structure
  59. 叶耀军 (Yaojun Ye) 浙江科技学院 (Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  60. 尹淦 (Gan Yin) 浙江科技学院 (Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  61. Jungho  Yoon 梨花女子大学 (Ewha Woman’s University, Korea)  Talk: Development of nonlinear approximation schemes for piecewise smooth data
  62. 喻 晓 (Xiao Yu),  上饶师范大学 (Shangrao Normal University)
  63. 张超 (Chao Zhang), 浙江工商大学(Zhejiang Gongshang University)
  64. 张海樟 (Haizhang Zhang) 中山大学 (Sun Yat-sen University)
  65. 张伟 (Wei Zhang),  河南财经政法大学 (Henan University of Economics and Law)
  66. 张小群 (Xiaoqun Zhang), 上海交通大学 (Shanghai JiaoTong University)  Talk: Variational tight frame models for image segmentation, bi-modal reconstruction and fusion
  67. 张永帅 ( Yongshuai Zhang),  浙江科技学院 (Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  68. 赵发友(Fayou Zhao)上海大学(Shanghai University)  Talk: Littlewood-Paley functions and Sobolev spaces
  69. 郑涛涛 (Taotao Zheng), 浙江科技学院(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology)
  70. 朱相荣 (Xiangrong Zhu) 浙江师范大学 (Zhejiang Normal University)
  71. 周需焕 (Xuhuan Zhou),  南京森林警察学院 (Nanjing Forest police College)
  72. 庄智涛  (Zhi-tao Zhuang), 华北水利水电大学 (North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power)  Talk: On stability of generalized phase retrieval
  73. 庄晓生 (Xiaosheng Zhuang),  香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong)   Talk: Directional tensor product complex tight framelets: construction and applications
  74.  何俊逸 Junyi He  浙江科技学院 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
  75. 王佳蕙 Jiahui Wang 浙江科技学院 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
  76. 谢佩蓉 Peirong Xie  浙江科技学院 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
  77. 徐彪 Biao Xu  浙江科技学院 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
  78. 许晶 Jing Xu  浙江科技学院 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
  79. 张倩格 Qiange Zhang  浙江科技学院 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
  80. 张倩晗 Qianhan Zhang  浙江科技学院 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology