Publications (by Research Topic)


  • Qiyu Sun, Recovery of sparsest signals via $\ell^q$-minimization, submitted (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Local reconstruction for sampling in shift-invariant space, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 32(2010), 335—352. ( Download)
  • M. Zuhair Nashed and Qiyu Sun,  Sampling and reconstruction of signals in a reproducing kernel subspace of L^p(R^d), Journal of Functional Analysis, 258(2010), 2422-2452. ( Download)
  • M. Zuhiar Nashed, Qiyu Sun and Wai-Shing Tang, Average sampling in L^2 , C. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser I,  347(2009), 1007—1010. ( Download )
  • Deguang Han, M. Zuhiar Nashed, and Qiyu Sun, Sampling expansions in reproducing kernel Hilbert and Banach spaces , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 30(2009), 971-987. ( Download )
  • Ning Bi, M. Zuhair Nashed, and Qiyu Sun, Reconstructing signals with finite rate of innovation from noisy samples, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 107(2009), 339–372. ( Download)
  • Akram Aldroubi, Casey Leonetti, Qiyu Sun, Error analysis of frame reconstruction from noisy samples, IEEE Transcations on Signal Processing, 56(2008), 2311–2325. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Frames in spaces with finite rate of innovation, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 28(2008), 301-329. ( Download)
  • C. K. Chui and Qiyu Sun, Tight over-sampled affine frame system and over-sampling rates, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 22(2007), 1–15. (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Non-uniform average sampling and reconstruction of signals with finite rate of innovation, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 38(2006), 1389–1422. ( Download )
  • Akram Aldroubi, Qiyu Sun, Wai-Shing Tang, Convolution, average sampling, and a Calderon resolution of the identity for shift-invariant spaces Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 22(2005), 215 – 244. ( Download)
  • Akram Aldroubi, Qiyu Sun and Wai-Shing Tang Non-uniform average sampling and reconstruction in multiply generated shift-invariant spaces, Constr. Approx., 20(2004), 173–189. ( Download)
  • C. K. Chui and Qiyu Sun, Tight frame oversampling and its equivalenceto shift-invariance of affine frame operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 131(2003), 1527-1538. (Download)
  • A. Aldroubi, Qiyu Sun and W.-S. Tang, Localization of Calderon convolution in the Fourier domain , Advance in Constructive Approximation, Vanderbilt 2003 , Edited by: M. Neamtu and E. B. Saff, Nashboro Press, Brentwood, 2004. pp. 25–35. (Download)
  • Akram Aldroubi, Qiyu Sun and Wai-shing Tang, Non-uniform sampling in multiply generated shift-invariant subspaces of L^p(R^d), International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and its Applications(edited by D. Deng, D. Huang, R.-Q. Jia, W. Lin and J.-Z. Wang),AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 25(2002), 1-8.
  • Daren Huang, Youming Liu and Qiyu Sun, Some extension of Paley-Wiener theorem, Chinese Annual of Math., 19B(1998), 331-340.
  • Ning Bi and Qiyu Sun, Hermite interpolation and stability of scalingfunctions, J. Hangzhou Normal University, 1995.
  • Qiyu Sun, Multiplier extension and sampling theorem on Hardy space, Publicacions Matematiques, 38(1994), 441-454. ( Download)

Affine frames

  • Deguang Han, Qiyu Sun and Wai-Shing Tang, Topological and geometric properties of refinable functions and MRA affine frames,  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, accepted (Download)
  • C. K. Chui and Qiyu Sun, Tight over-sampled affine frame system and over-sampling rates, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 22(2007), 1–15. (Download)
  • C. K. Chui and Qiyu Sun, Affine frame decompositions and shift-invariant spaces, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 20(2006), 74–107. ( Download)
  • D. Hardin, T. Hogan and Qiyu Sun, The matrix-valued Riesz lemma and local orthonormal bases in shift-invariant spaces, Adv. Comput. Math., 20(2004), 367-384. (Download)
  • C. K. Chui, W. He, J. Stoeckler and Qiyu Sun, Compactly supported tight affine frames with integer dilations and maximum vanishing moments , Adv. Comp. Math., Special Issue on Frames, 18(2003), 159-187. (Download)
  • C. K. Chui and Qiyu Sun, Tight frame oversampling and its equivalenceto shift-invariance of affine frame operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 131(2003), 1527-1538. (Download)

Signal processing

  • Qiyu Sun and Michael Unser, Left-inverse of fractional Laplacian and sparse stochastic processes, Advances in Computational Mathematic, accepted (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Recovery of sparsest signals via $\ell^q$-minimization, submitted (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Local reconstruction for sampling in shift-invariant space, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 32(2010), 335—352. ( Download)
  • M. Zuhair Nashed and Qiyu Sun,  Sampling and reconstruction of signals in a reproducing kernel subspace of L^p(R^d), Journal of Functional Analysis, 258(2010), 2422-2452. ( Download)
  • Ning Bi, M. Zuhair Nashed, and Qiyu Sun, Reconstructing signals with finite rate of innovation from noisy samples, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 107(2009), 339–372. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Local reconstruction for sampling in shift-invariant space, Advances in Computational Mathematics, To appear ( Download)
  • Akram Aldroubi, Casey Leonetti, Qiyu Sun, Error analysis of frame reconstruction from noisy samples, IEEE Transcations on Signal Processing, 56(2008), 2311–2325. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Frames in spaces with finite rate of innovation, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 28(2008), 301-329. ( Download)
  • X. Wang, Q. Sun, R. Eastes, B. Reinisch, C. E. Valladares, Short-term relationship of total electron content with geomagnetic activity in equatorial regions, J.Geophys. Res., 113(2008), A11308. ( Download)
  • Ning Bi, Qiyu Sun, Daren Huang, Zhihua Yang and Jiwu Huang, Robust image watermarking based on multiband wavelets and empirical mode decomposition,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. , 16(2007), 1956–1966. ( Download)
  • Charles A. Micchelli and Qiyu Sun, Interpolating filters with prescribed zeros and their refinable functions, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 6 (2007), 789–808. (Download)
  • Yanfei Wang, Zaiwen Wen, Zuhair Nashed, and Qiyu Sun, On direct methods for time-limited signal and image reconstruction and enhancement, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 5(2007), 51–68.
  • Qiyu Sun, Non-uniform average sampling and reconstruction of signals with finite rate of innovation, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis 38(2006), 1389–1422. ( Download )
  • B. G. Bodmann, M. Papadakis, and Qiyu Sun, An inhomogenous uncertainty principle for digital low-pass filters, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications.12(2006), 181–211. ( Download )
  • Yanfei Wang, Zaiwen Wen, Zuhair Nashed, and Qiyu Sun, Direct fast method for time-limited signal reconstruction, Applied Optics, 45(2006), 3111–3126. (Download)
  • Lixin Shen and Qiyu Sun, Bi-orthogonal wavelet system for high-resolution image reconstruction , IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 52(2004), 1997–2011. (Download)

Multiband wavelets

  • Deguang Han, Qiyu Sun and Wai-Shing Tang, Topological and geometric properties of refinable functions and MRA affine frames, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, accepted (Download)
  • Ning Bi, Qiyu Sun, Daren Huang, Zhihua Yang and Jiwu Huang, Robust image watermarking based on multiband wavelets and empirical mode decomposition,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. , 16(2007), 1956–1966. ( Download)
  • Tim N. T. Goodman and Qiyu Sun, Total positivity and refinable functions with general dilation , Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 16(2004), 69–89. (Download)
  • Lixin Shen and Qiyu Sun, Bi-orthogonal wavelet system for high-resolution image reconstruction , IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 52(2004), 1997–2011. (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, M-band scaling functions with minimal support are asymmetric, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 12(2002), 166-170. (Download)
  • Xinrong Dai, Daren Huang and Qiyu Sun, Local polynomial property and linear independence of refinable distributions, Archiv Math., 78(2002), 74-80. (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Ning Bi and Daren Huang, An Introduction to Multiband Wavelets, Zhejiang University Press, 2001. (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun An algorithm for the construction of symmetric and anti-symmetric $M$-band wavelets, In: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII, Proceedings of SPIE 4119, Akram Aldroubi, Andrew F. Laine, and Michael A. Unser eds., 2000, 384-394. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun,Sobolev exponent estimate and asymptotic regularity of M band Daubechies’ scaling functions, Constructive Approximation, 15(1999),441-465. (Download,)
  • Ning Bi, Xinrong Dai and Qiyu Sun, Construction of compactly supported M band wavelets, Appl. Comp. Harmonic Anal., 6(1999), 113-131 ( Download )
  • Xinrong Dai, Qiyu Sun and Zeyin Zhang, Compactly supported both m and n refinable distributions, East Journal of Approximations, 6(2000),201-209.( Download )
  • Qiyu Sun and Zeyin Zhang, A characterization of compactly supported both m and n refinable distribution,J. Approx. Th., 99(1999),198-216. ( Download )
  • Daren Huang and Qiyu Sun, Affine similarity of refinable functions,ApproximationTheory and its Applications, 15(3)(1999), 81-91.( Download )
  • Qiyu Sun and Zeyin Zhang, M-band scaling function with filter having vanishing moments two and minimal length, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,222(1998), 225-243.(Download )
  • Xianliang Shi and Qiyu Sun, A class of M-dilation scaling functionswith regularity growing proportionally to filter support width, Proc.Amer. Math. Soc., 126(1998), 3501-3506. ( Download)
  • Ning Bi, Lokenath Debnath and Qiyu Sun, Asymptotic behaviour of M-bandscaling functions of Daubechies type, Zeitschrift fur Analysis undihe Anwendugen, 17(1998), 813-830.
  • Daren Huang, Qiyu Sun and Zeyin Zhang, Integral representation of M-band Daubechies type, Chinese Sciences Bulletin, 42(1997), 803-807.
  • Xinrong Dai, Daren Huang and Qiyu Sun, Some properties of five-coefficientrefinement equation, Archiv Math., 66(1996), 299-309. ( Download )

Shift-invariant spaces

  • Akram Aldroubi, Qiyu Sun and Haichao Wang, Uncertainty principles and Balian-Low type theorems in principal shift-invariant spacesApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, accepted
  • Deguang Han, Qiyu Sun and Wai-Shing Tang, Topological and geometric properties of refinable functions and MRA affine frames, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, accepted (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Local reconstruction for sampling in shift-invariant space, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 32(2010), 335—352. ( Download)
  • M. Zuhair Nashed and Qiyu Sun,  Sampling and reconstruction of signals in a reproducing kernel subspace of L^p(R^d), Journal of Functional Analysis, 258(2010), 2422-2452. ( Download)
  • Deguang Han, M. Zuhiar Nashed, and Qiyu Sun, Sampling expansions in reproducing kernel Hilbert and Banach spaces , Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 30(2009), 971-987.( Download )
  • Chang Eon Shin and Qiyu Sun, Stability of localized operators, Journal of Functional Analysis, 256(2009), 2417–2439. ( Download)
  • Akram Aldroubi, Casey Leonetti, Qiyu Sun, Error analysis of frame reconstruction from noisy samples, IEEE Transcations on Signal Processing, 56(2008), 2311–2325. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Frames in spaces with finite rate of innovation, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 28(2008), 301-329. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Local dual and poly-scale refinability , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 133(2005), 1175–1184. (Download)
  • D. Hardin, T. Hogan and Qiyu Sun, The matrix-valued Riesz lemma and local orthonormal bases in shift-invariant spaces, Adv. Comput. Math., 20(2004), 367-384. (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Localization of Stability and p-frames in the Fourier domain , Proceedings of Special Sessions on Wavelets: WAVELETS, FRAMES, and OPERATOR THEORY , in AMS Contemporary Mathematics (CONM) series no. 345, Edited by: Christopher Heil, Palle E. T. Jorgensen, and David R. Larson, pp. 299–315, 2004. (Download)
  • A. Aldroubi, Qiyu Sun and W.-S. Tang, Localization of Calderon convolution in the Fourier domain , Advance in Constructive Approximation, Vanderbilt 2003 , Edited by: M. Neamtu and E. B. Saff, Nashboro Press, Brentwood, 2004. pp. 25–35. (Download)
  • Akram Aldroubi and Qiyu Sun, Locally finite dimensional shift-invariant spaces in RR^d. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. , 130 (2002), 2641-2654. (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun,Linear independence of the integer translates of compactly supported distributions, Applied Math, A Journal of Chinese University, 16B(2001), 381-396.
  • Akram Aldroubi, Qiyu Sun and Wai-Shing Tang, p-frames and shift invariant subspaces of L^p, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 7:1(2001), 1-21. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Stability of the shifts of global supported distributions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 261(2001), 113-125. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun Linear dependence of the shifts of vector-valued compactly supported distributions Unpublished Manuscript, 2000 (Revised 2003) ( Download)
  • Akram Aldroubi, Qiyu Sun and Wai-Shing Tang Connection between p-frames and p-Riesz bases in locally finite SIS ofL^p(R^d) Proceeding of SPIE 4119: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII, A. Aldroubi, A. F. Laine and M. A. Unser eds., SPIE, 2000, 668-674.
  • Qiyu Sun, Sequence spaces and stability of integer translates,Zeitschriftf\”ur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 12(1993), 567-584.
  • Qiyu Sun, A note on the integer translates of a compactly supported distribution on $R$, Archiv Math., 60(1993), 359-363. ( Download)

Refinable functions

  • Deguang Han, Qiyu Sun and Wai-Shing Tang, Topological and geometric properties of refinable functions and MRA affine frames, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, accepted (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Local reconstruction for sampling in shift-invariant space, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 32(2010), 335—352. ( Download)
  • Dorin Ervin Dutkay, Deguang Han, Gabriel Picioroaga and Qiyu Sun, Orthonormal dilations of Parseval wavelets, Mathematische Annalen, 341(2008), 483-515. (Download)
  • Charles A. Micchelli and Qiyu Sun, Interpolating filters with prescribed zeros and their refinable functions, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 6 (2007), 789–808. (Download)
  • Xiaojie Gao, S. L. Lee and Qiyu Sun, Eigenvalues of scaling operators and a characterization of B-splines , Proceeding of the American Mathematical Society, 134(2006), 1051–1057.( Download )
  • Qiyu Sun, Local dual and poly-scale refinability , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 133(2005), 1175–1184. (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Convergence of cascade algorithms and smoothness of refinable distributions, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 24(2003), No. 3, 367-386. ( Download)
  • Charles A. Micchelli and Qiyu Sun, Refinable functions from their values at integers. Vietnam J. Math., 30 (2002), 395-411. (Download)
  • Xiaojie Gao, S. L. Lee and Qiyu Sun, Spectrum of transition, subdivision and multiscale operators, In Wavelet Analysis (Hong Kong 2001) (edited by Ding-xuanZhou), World Science Publishing, 2002, pp. 123-138. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Homogeneous and nonhomogeneous refinable distributions in F^{q,gamma}, International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and its Applications(edited by D. Deng, D. Huang, R.-Q. Jia, W. Lin and J.-Z. Wang), AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 25(2002), 235-244.
  • Ai-Hua Fan and Qiyu Sun, Regularity of Butterworth refinable functions, Asia J. Math., 5(2001), 433-440. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Compactly supported distributional solutions of nonstationary nonhomogeneous refinement equation, Acta Math. Sinica, 17(2001), 1-14.( Download )
  • Qiyu Sun,Convergence and boundedness of cascade algorithm in Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces: Part II , Advance in Mathematics (China), 30(2001), 22-36.. (Download)
  • Daren Huang, Yunzhang Li and Qiyu Sun, Multivariate subdivision schemes in L^p spaces, Advance in Mathematics (China), 30(2001), 525-532..
  • Seng Laun Lee, Qiyu Sun and Xiaojie Gao, Spectrum of convolution dilation operator on weighted L^p space, In “Challenges for the 21st Century”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fundamental Sciences: Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, edited by L H Y Chen, J P Jesudason, C H Lai, C H Oh, K K Phua and E-C Tan, World Scientific Press, 2001, pp. 51-72.(Download)
  • Seng Laun Lee and Qiyu Sun, Boundedness of cascade algorithms in Besov spaces. First International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (Beijing, 1998),pp. 473–479, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 20, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001.
  • Ka-Sing Lau and Qiyu Sun, Asymptotic regularity of Daubechies’ scaling functions, Proceeding American Mathematical Society,  128(2000),1087-1095.( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Convergence and boundedness of cascade algorithm in Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces, Part I,, Advance in Mathematics (China), 29(2000),507-526.( Download )
  • Bolin Ma and Qiyu Sun, Compactly supported refinable distribution inTriebel-Lizorkin spaces and Besov spaces, J. Fourier Anal. Appl.,5(1999), 87-104. (Download )
  • Daren Huang, Yunzhang Li and Qiyu Sun, Refinable function and refinement mask with polynomialand exponential decay, Chinese Annal of Math., 20A(1999), 483-488. also Chin. J. Contemp. Math. 20(1999), No.3, 393-400
  • Ning Bi and Qiyu Sun, Linear independence of refinable distributionssupported on $[0,2]\times [0,2]$, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica(EnglishSer.), 14(1998), 388-395.
  • Qiyu Sun, Nonhomogeneous refinement equation; Existence, regularity and biorthogonality, Unpublished Manuscript, 1998 ( Download )
  • Daren Huang, Qiyu Sun and Wei Wang, Multiresolution generated by severalscaling functions, Advances in Mathematics (China), 26(1997),165-180.
  • Qiyu Sun, Refinable functions with compact support, J. Approx.Theory, 86(1996), 240-252.
  • Yanzhang Zheng and Qiyu Sun, A compactly supported orthonormal wavelet of non-tensor type, Applied Math.-JCU, 11B(1996), 243-246.
  • Xianliang Shi and Qiyu Sun, Cardinal refinable functions on plane,  Unpublished Manuscript, 1995. ( Download)
  • Albert Cohen and Qiyu Sun, An arithmetic characterization of the conjugatequadrature filters associated to orthonormal wavelet bases , SIAMJ. Math. Anal., 24(1993), 1355-1360.
  • Qiyu Sun, Two-scale difference equation: local and global linear independence, Unpublished Manuscript, 1991. ( Download )

Fourier analysis

  • Dorin Ervin Dutkay, Deguang Han, Qiyu Sun, and Eric Weber, On the Beurling dimension of exponential frames, Advances in Mathematics, accepted (Download)
  • Dorin Ervin Dutkay, Deguang Han, and Qiyu Sun, On the spectra of a Cantor measure, Advances in Mathematics, 221(2009), 251–276. ( Download)
  • Guoen Hu, Qiyu Sun and Xin Wang, L^p(R^n) bounds for commutators of convolution operators, Colloquium Mathematicum, 93(2002), 11-20.
  • Guo-En Hu and Qiyu Sun, L^p(R^n) boundedness for the commutators of convolution operators, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A, 22 (2001), 509–516.
  • Guoen Hu, Bolin Ma and Qiyu Sun, Boundedness of the multiple singular integral operators on product spaces, Hokkaido Math. J. 29 (2000), no. 3, 659–667.
  • Li-Yuan Chen and Qiyu Sun, Behaviour of an oscillatory singular integralon weighted local Hardy spaces, Acta Math. Sinica (N.S.), 13(1997),305-320. ( Download )
  • Qiyu Sun, A new kind of space of Triebel-Lizorkin type, ApproximationTheory and its Application, 12:2(1996), 80-84.
  • Quande Chen and Qiyu Sun, A note on uncertainty principle, ApproximationTheory and its Application, 11(1995), No. 1, 6-9.
  • Qiyu Sun, Multiplier extension and sampling theorem on Hardy space, Publicacions Matematiques, 38(1994), 441-454. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Weighted weak type (1, 1) boundedness for some rough operators, J.Hangzhou University, 21(1994), 7-10.
  • Guoen Hu and Qiyu Sun, Weighted norm inequalities for a maximal operator, J.Hangzhou University, 20(1993), 367-370. (with Guoen Hu).
  • Guoen Hu and Qiyu Sun, On the $L^p$ boundedness of a Marcinkiewicz integral, J.Hangzhou University, 20(1993), 145-158.
  • Xianliang Shi and Qiyu Sun, Weighted norm inequalities for Bochner-Rieszoperators and singular integral operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,116(1992), 665-673. (Download )
  • Qiyu Sun, Weighted norm inequalities on spaces of homogeneous type,StudiaMathematica, 101(1992), 241-251.
  • Qiyu Sun, Pointwise convergence of solutions of Schr\”odinger equationwith potential, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 12(1992), 412-418.
  • Qiyu Sun, Two problems about singular integral operator, Approximation Theory and its Application, 7:2(1991), 83-98. (Reseach Announcement IN J. Mathematical Research and Exposition, 11(1991), 453-454.)
  • Wei Hu, Xianliang Shi and Qiyu Sun, $A_\infty$ condition characterizedby maximal geometric mean operator, IN Harmonic Analysis, Proceeding,Tianjin, 1988, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1494, edited by Min-TehCheng, Xing-wei Zhou and Dong-Gao Deng, Springer Verlag, 1991, pp. 68-72.
  • Qiyu Sun, Weighted inequalities for a singular integral, J. HangzhouUniversity, 18(1991), 357-358.  (Reseach Announcement)
  • Xianliang Shi and Qiyu Sun, A singular integral on product space,IN A Friendly Collection of Mathematical Papers I, edited by WangRenhong & Zhou Yunshi, Jilin University Press, Changchun, China, 1990,pp. 129-132.
  • Qiyu Sun, A note on oscillatory integral on product space, Journal of Hangzhou University , 16(1989), 109-110. (Reseach Announcement)

Miscellaneous topics (Wiener’s Lemma, Riesz Lemma etc)

  • Qiyu Sun, Wiener’s lemma for infinite matrices II, Constructive Approximation, accepted  (Download)
  • Qiyu Sun,  Stability criterion for convolution-dominated infinite matrices, Proceeding American Mathematical Sociey, 138(2010), 3933-2943 ( Download)
  • Chang Eon Shin and Qiyu Sun, Stability of localized operators, Journal of Functional Analysis, 256(2009), 2417–2439. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Wiener’s lemma for localized integral operators, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 25(2008), 148-167. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Wiener’s lemma for infinite matrices, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359 (2007), 3099–3123. ( Download)
  • Qiyu Sun, Wiener’s lemma for infinite matrices with polynomial off-diagonal decay , C. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser I, 340(2005), 567-570. ( Download )
  • D. Hardin, T. Hogan and Qiyu Sun, The matrix-valued Riesz lemma and local orthonormal bases in shift-invariant spaces, Adv. Comput. Math., 20(2004), 367-384. (Download)
  • Albert Cohen, Luz Myriam Echeverry and Qiyu Sun Finite Element Wavelets, Unpublished Manuscript 1999. ( Download)
  • Xianliang Shi and Qiyu Sun, Approximation of periodic continuous functionsby logarithmic means of Fourier series, Acta Math. Hungar. 63(1994),103-112.
  • Qiyu Sun, A remark on multiresolution analysis of $L^p(R^d)$, ColloquiumMathematiccum, LXVI(1994), 257-264.
  • Daren Huang and Qiyu Sun, Some topics on wavelet analysis,Appl.Math.-JCU, 8(1993), 86-110.
  • Qiyu Sun, 2014 Nashville(Recent talk)