A stone bridge spans a lake with green hills in the background. The foreground features a large cluster of lotus plants. Clear sky overhead.

The Sixth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications

The sixth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications will held virtually at Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, December 4-5, 2021.

Hangzhou is the capital and most populous city of Zhejiang Province in east China and is about 100 miles from Shanghai. The city’s West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is amongst its best-known attraction. Hangzhou is an emerging technology hub and home to the e-commerce giant Alibaba. It hosted the eleventh G-20 summit in 2016 and will host the 2022 Asian Games.   Enduring Memories of Hangzhou

Purpose of this annual event is to create a platform to exchange ideas on harmonic analysis and applications, especially for young mathematician.

The first Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 24-25, 2016 with about 50 participants,  the second Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 16-17, 2017 with about 70 participants,   the third Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 15-16, 2018 with about  65 participants,  the fourth Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December  14 and 15, 2019 with about  80 participants,  and the fifth Hangzhou workshop was held at Hangzhou, December 18-20, 2020 with  mixed mode, physically or virtually.

If you like to participant the workshop (and give a talk), please contact  Professors Taotao Zheng (taotzheng@126.com), or  Qiquan Fang (qiquanfang@163.com) or Qiyu Sun (qiyu.sun@ucf.edu)  as soon as possible.

The first talk starts from 9am, December 4, 2021 (Beijing time).

Join VooV Meeting (接入会议):https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/qSUV2zJrXj4P

VooV meeting (腾讯会议) ID:844 5828 7750

We will arrange  12  talks on  December 4 and 5, 2021.

Here is the list of  12 confirmed speakers and titles of their talks.

  1. Wengu Chen (谌稳固),   Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China, December 4, 11–11:50am.                                                                                                                Title : Reconstruction of Signals and Images by Prior Information
  2. Hui Ji (纪辉), National University of Singapore, Singapore, December 4, 10–10:50am.         Title: Self-supervised Deep Learning for Solving Inverse Problems
  3. Guoen Hu (胡国恩), Information Engineering University, China, December 4, 3–3:50pm,  Title: Estimate for the Calderon commutator
  4. Wenjing Liao (廖雯婧), Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, December 5, 10–10:50am Title: Regression and doubly robust off-policy learning on low-dimensional
    manifolds by neural networks
  5. Zuowei Shen (沈佐伟), National University of Singapore, Singapore, December 4, 9-9:50am Title: Deep Approximation via Deep Learning
  6. Wenchang Sun (孙文昌), Nankai University, China, December 5, 4–4:50pm.                          Title: Local and global phaseless sampling in spline spaces
  7. Sui Tang (唐穗), University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, December 5, 11–11:50am.   Title: Learning Stochastic Systems of Interacting Particles from Multiple Trajectories Data
  8. Jun Xian (冼军) , Sun Yat-sen University, China, December 5, 3-3:50pm.                                 Title: Expected uniform integration approximation under general equal measure partition
  9. Zhiqiang Xu (许志强) , Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, China, December 5, 2–2:50m.                                                                                                                                                    Title: Uniqueness and stability for the solution of a nonlinear least squares problem
  10. Qingying Xue (薛庆营), Beijing Normal University, China, December 4, 4–4:50pm.              Title: Non-standard C-Z operators with rough kernels
  11. Lixin Yan (颜立新 ), Sun Yat-sen University, China, December 4, 2–2:50pm
  12. Ding-xuan Zhou (周定轩), City University of Hong Kong, China, December 5, 9–9:50am.     Title: Mathematical Theory of Deep Learning

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