The One-Day Workshop on Applied  Harmonic Analysis and Sampling Theory, in adjunction with Departmental Colloquium Talk by distinguished speaker Akram Aldroubi, will held at Department of Mathematics, MSB318, on February 2, 2018. The workshop will  concentrate on  harmonic analysis and sampling theory.

During the workshop, Professor Akram Aldroubi (Vanderbilt University) will  discuss a dynamic frame system, which is fundamental for understanding and solving several major problems in engineering and science.  Many data sets in image analysis and signal processing are in a high-dimensional space but exhibit a low-dimensional structure. Professor Wenjing Liao (Georgia Tech) will present her works on  building efficient representations of these data for the purpose of compression and inference.  Stability is a basic concept in sampling theory. Professor Chang Eon Shin (Sogang University, Korea) will  provide an overview  on stability and norm-controlled inversion of infinite matrices and integral operators.   Dynamical sampling is an interdisciplinary field that deals with processing signals that evolve in time. Dr.  Sui Tang (John Hopkins University)  will discuss dynamic sampling and its connection to  sparse signal processing theory and polynomial interpolation theory.  Signals with finite rate of innovations appear in many engineering applications such as magnetic resonance spectrum, ultra wide-band communication and electrocardiogram. Professor Qiyu Sun (University of Central Florida) will give a talk on recent advances on phaseless sampling and reconstruction of signals with finite rate of innovations.

Titles and Abstracts of the 2018 Workshop on  Applied Harmonic Analysis and Sampling Theory


09:00—09:05      Opening

09:05—09:55     Multiscale methods for high-dimensional data with low-dimensional structures

Wenjing Liao (Georgia Institute of Technology)

10:05—10:55      Stability, Wiener’s lemma and norm-controlled inversion of operators

Chang Eon Shin (Sogang Univesity)

11:05—11:55      Phaseless sampling and reconstruction of real-valued signals with finite rate of innovations

Qiyu Sun (University of Central Florida)

12:00—1:20         Lunch Break

01:30—02:20     Universal constructions of spatiotemporal sampling sets in dynamical sampling

Sui Tang (John Hopkins University)

2:30—3:00          Departmental Tea

03:00—03:50      Frames induced by the action of the powers of an operator

Akram Aldroubi  (Vanderbilt University), in adjunction with colloquium talk

Akram Aldroubi and  Zuhair Nashed

Wenjing Liao

Chang Eon Shin

Sui Tang


Akram Aldroubi, Zuhair Nashed and Mourad Ismail

Organizers:  Akram Aldroubi, Zuhair Nashed and Qiyu Sun