2013 International Crisis & Risk Communication Conference calling for presentations

The 2013 International Crisis & Risk Communication Conference is calling for presentations in the area of crisis and risk communication, especially those related to the 2013 theme: Rethinking Media. 

The review committee welcomes submissions including: case studies, original research, lessons learned/best practices, experiential reports, or normative recommendations. The conference encourages submissions reflecting interdisciplinary approaches in this area and those that have application for professionals working in the field.

Now is the time to Rethink Media in an interactive environment! The third annual 2013 International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference brings together the world’s leading experts, professionals and scholars to dig deep into the area of global crisis and risk communication. You need more than great PR templates and a communication department in today’s world of media-made crisis.

For more information on how to submit your presentation, download the Call for Presentations information document 2013 ICRC Call for Presentations.

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