Piloting a Community-Based Social Marketing Program to Protect Marine Ecosystems from Boating Impacts

Dr. Denise DeLorme’s research funding proposal with the Florida Sea Grant has been funded for the fiscal year 2012-2013.

Her project, “Piloting a Community-Based Social Marketing Program to Protect Marine Ecosystems from Boating Impacts” will identify barriers and benefits of environmentally-responsible recreational boating and use the findings to develop, implement, and pilot test an innovative community-based social marketing program to better increase awareness of the importance of protecting marine systems from boating impacts, map the locations of ecologically sensitive zones, and increase responsible boating around those zones. This research is being done in collaboration with the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program. Dr. Linda Walters from the UCF biology department is co-piloting the program with Dr. DeLorme.

Dr. DeLorme has been a faculty member in the Nicholson School of Communication since 1996. She regularly teaches graduate seminars in mass communication theory, advertising and society, and qualitative research methods, and an undergraduate course in advertising campaigns. She has published in leading academic journals including the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Communication Research, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, Marketing Letters, Journal of Marketing Communications, Public Relations Review, Journal of Advertising Education, Journal of Health Communication, and Health Marketing Quarterly.


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