Student shares her Washington experience

Junior psychology major Amirica Nicholson spent the last two months in Washington, D.C., as a congressional intern for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. As an intern, Nicholson listens to hearings on government topics, responds to calls from constituents and keeps up with current political events. The Central Florida Future had the opportunity to speak to Nicholson about her summer on Capitol Hill.

Central Florida Future: Tell me a bit about yourself.

Amirica Nicholson: I am a very ambitious, determined and positive individual, and I always strive to reach the goals of my heart. My life philosophy is that prayer, hard work, confidence can accomplish anything, even the seemingly unattainable. In the University of Central Florida community, I am a LEAD Scholar Graduate and past mentor (2010), the Student Leadership Council Director of the Multicultural Student Center and a member of Delta Epsilon Iota academic honor society.

CFF: Where do you work?

Nicholson: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation under the United States Congress, for the House of Representatives Congressman Alcee L. Hastings.

CFF: How did you get the job?

Nicholson: I was selected for this position through the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation after an online application process, as well as an in-depth interview, which covered topics pertaining to the American governmental system and the respective figures involved in it.

Read more here.

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