Pre and post training ‘just as important as induction process’ at workplace

When the money that is spent in training employees is utilised well, “training and development activities allow organizations to adapt, compete, excel, innovate, produce, be safe, improve service and reach goals”, a new study has revealed.

Eduardo Salas and his colleagues from the University of Central Florida found that one of the most important things that “matters” is that human resource executives, chief learning officers and business leaders should view training as a whole system and not a one-time event.

This means that what happens before and after the actual training is just as important as the training itself.

“Learning is a way of life in organizations,” Salas said. “Everyone gets training. But what matters? What works? What influences learning and skill acquisition?” he said.

Training is especially effective when various jobs in the organization have been analyzed, the skill sets of its employees are understood, supervisors and leaders are all on the same page and trainees are motivated to learn. During the training, whether it is computer and technology based or in a classroom, sufficient structure and guidance should be offered to trainees while still giving them opportunities to make decisions about their learning experience. After the training, trainees should have ample time and opportunities to use what they have learned in the real world with real feedback.

The individual characteristics that trainees bring to a learning environment are have been shown by psychological scientists to be important to consider. Trainees who believe that their abilities actually influence training outcomes are more likely to persist in learning activities, even when they encounter challenges. Trainees who are oriented toward performance seem to do better in highly structured environments that involve successively more complex tasks.

The broader psychological science of learning can also inform effective training programs. Research shows that a gap exists between performance in training and the integration of newly learned skills on the job.

However, that gap can be narrowed through the application of various empirically tested insights into learning. Repeating tasks within increasingly complicated contexts helps to ensure that learning lasts over time. Encountering errors during training helps to prepare trainees for real-life situations as they are required to apply concepts learned in training.

Watching someone else perform certain skills can also contribute to learning, a concept scientists refer to as behavioural role modeling.

Read more about Dr. Salas and his research here.

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