APA leaders join the dialogue at the White House National Conference on Mental Health

This is an excerpt from the American Psychological Association, read the entire piece here.

APA President Donald Bersoff, PhD, JD, and CEO Norman B. Anderson, PhD, called for the inclusion of mental health care in primary c2013-06-APA conference_editedare at the White House National Conference on Mental Health on June 3.

Mental health professionals’ vital importance to the success of primary health care teams was a message APA CEO Norman B. Anderson, PhD, emphasized at the White House National Conference on Mental Health on June 3. He attended the conference with APA President Donald Bersoff, PhD, JD.

Anderson was on a panel with former Sen. Gordon H. Smith, R-Ore., now CEO of the National Association of Broadcasters; actress Glenn Close, co-founder of Bring Change 2 Mind; APA member Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD, founder and president of Give an Hour; and Janelle Montano, a speaker for ActiveMinds, a nonprofit organization that helps students freely discuss mental health issues. While the conference was part of the administration’s initiative to end gun violence, President Barack Obama emphasized that most people with mental health problems are not violent.

“We can help people who suffer from a mental illness continue to be great colleagues, great friends, the people we love. We can take out some pain and give them a new sense of hope. But it requires all of us to act,” Obama said as he opened the discussion about ways to end stigma and encourage people with mental health issues to seek help.

This is an excerpt from the American Psychological Association, read the entire piece here.

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