Dr. Bishop retires, Dr. Hinkle to serve as interim vice provost

The following is a message from Provost Tony Waldrop

Dr. Patricia Bishop retired from UCF effective January 5, 2012. Since June of 2000, Dr. Bishop served with great distinction as vice provost and dean, first of Graduate Studies and continuing as vice provost and dean when UCF created the College of Graduate Studies in July of 2008. While serving as dean, Dr. Bishop built a college infrastructure, developed policies, and served as a strong advocate for graduate students. The University of Central Florida has benefitted immensely from her many efforts to move graduate education to a higher level of excellence. A national search will be initiated shortly for the next vice provost and dean of the college.

I am very pleased that Dr. Ross Hinkle has agreed to serve as interim vice provost and dean of the College of Graduate Studies. Dr. Hinkle joined UCF in 2007 and currently serves as professor and chair of the Department of Biology. He spent 24 years at the Kennedy Space Center in research and management roles. He received the NASA Administrator’s Public Service Medal for his “outstanding sustained performance in providing technical leadership to the development of a nationally recognized Ecological Monitoring Program.”

Dr. Hinkle’s research interests are focused on plant ecology, landscape ecology, and applied conservation biology. Dr. Hinkle and his postdoctoral associates and graduate students are actively engaged in research on fire ecology and landscape management, ecosystem services, carbon dynamics of natural and urban systems, and the establishment of long-term ecological monitoring and research of conservation areas.

Please join me in thanking Dr. Bishop for her outstanding service and wishing her well in retirement and in providing support to Dr. Hinkle as he undertakes this important role at UCF.

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