Security in the Caucasus

Dr. SadriDr. Houman Sadri is an associate professor in the political science department at UCF. He has been with the university since 1995 and teaches courses in international relations, American government and world political geography. He recently received a $3,000 teaching grant from the Global European Studies Institute in Germany to lecture for the graduate level of the European Erasmus Mundus Program at the Wroclaw University located in Wroclaw, Poland.

Dr. Sadri will be in Poland for two weeks after the fall semester lecturing about his third book, “Global Security Watch: The Caucasus States.” The idea for the series came from a seminar Dr. Sadri taught at UCF. He was looking for books and could not find anything new in terms of international relations so he decided to come up with the Global Security Watch project.

The book is part of a series and is the first study to investigate the 21st-century security concerns raised by the Caucasus states of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. It analyzes key players, security challenges and the effects of events and leaders now and in the future. 

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