Eduardo Salas featured on UCF TODAY

Dr. Eduardo Salas serves as a University Trustee Chair and Pegasus Professor of Psychology. He also holds an appointment as program director for the Human Systems Integration Research Department at the Institute for Simulation & Training.

Salas previously was a senior research psychologist and head of the Training Technology Development Branch of NAVAIR Orlando for 15 years. During that time, Salas served as a principal investigator for many research programs benefiting U.S. sailors and Marines. Those programs focused on teamwork, team training, advanced training technology, simulation-based training, decision-making under stress, learning methodologies and performance assessment.

His expertise includes helping organizations foster teamwork, designing and implementing team training strategies, facilitating training effectiveness, managing decision making under stress, developing performance measurement tools and designing learning environments. He is working on designing tools and techniques to minimize human errors in aviation, law enforcement and medical environments.

Salas has co-authored more than 300 journal articles and book chapters and has co-edited 18 books. He serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Small Group Research and many other publications. He is a past editor of the Human Factors journal and associate editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology and Military Psychology. Dr. Salas has held numerous positions in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology during the past 15 years. He has served as a consultant to a variety of manufacturing, industrial and governmental organizations and pharmaceutical laboratories.

Salas is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. He received his doctorate in industrial and organizational psychology from Old Dominion University.

Salas can conduct interviews in English and Spanish.

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