Old club with new attitude

For years, Ed2010, the University of Central Florida’s magazine club, has been trying to shine among the constellation of UCF communication organizations. And, for years, it’s occupied a dim domain, unnoticed by the hundreds of Nicholson School of Communication majors who seek a career in magazines. This fall, the club has a fresh set of officers who hope to change things.

“I want this club to grow and to be a more involved part of the UCF community,” said senior journalism major and president of Ed2010, Diana Galvin. “This club has so much potential for growth, and I would love to help it reach that potential.”

Galvin and her team of officers including Vice President Raquel Reichard, Secretary Fonda Yeh and Treasurer Sandra Okot-Kotber have been working fervently to meet that goal.

Though the national objective of Ed2010 is to provide a place where writers and editors can assemble to discuss magazine journalism and help one another break into the industry, the leaders of UCF’s chapter have realized it’s going to take much more to build a large membership. Ed2010 needs something ample, something valuable and desirable. And according to its officers, that means it needs its own magazine.

The club has already decided that the magazine, which is currently untitled, will center on the various cultures that intersect to make up the UCF student body. It will include features, reviews, lists and inspirational stories to help UCF students understand and appreciate the various cultures that surround them.

Ed2010 is currently accepting applications for its club-run magazine. English, creative writing, advertising-public relations, journalism, radio-television and interpersonal-organizational communication students are all encouraged to join. Students must be part of Ed2010 to be part of the magazine, though they don’t need to be part of the magazine to be a member of the club.

Ed2010 members meet in Room 220 of the Student Union every Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.

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