Alumnus Discusses Public Policy and Billboards

Chad Harvey_DSCedited_0198_finalChad Harvey, ’96, graduated from UCF with a bachelor’s degree in political science and since then has become a very accomplished real estate professional. He has experience in acquisitions, dispositions, leasing, entitlements, development and business negotiations which has led him to a very interesting job with CBS Outdoor as a real estate manager.

CBS Outdoor is a billboard company with markets all over the world and offers a multitude of outdoor advertising options including billboards, walls, bus and rail media, street furniture, malls, specialty advertising signs, mobile billboards, sports media and more. Harvey is in charge of real estate and public affairs for the Orlando and Jacksonville markets where he handles permitting, governmental coordination, real estate leasing, asset management, construction of billboards and so on for a 26 county area.

He gives credit to his education from UCF for preparing him for the governmental coordination and public affairs aspect of his position, as well as providing him with training to conduct research and relay technical information. Courses that Harvey took while at UCF enabled him to obtain a greater understanding of his work environment and prepared him for real world issues that he faces on a daily basis.

“A great deal of what I learned at UCF and specifically from my political science coursework was how to effect change in public policy and perception. My education provided a foundation for building upon political thought and how to change laws and regulations that pertain to my industry. Billboards are highly regulated by both state and local government and lobbying efforts at both levels are essential to ensure the long term viability of my industry.”

Harvey has remained connected to his alma mater by becoming a life time member of the UCF Alumni Association and by continuing to support current students as well as university athletics.

When he was asked what his fondest UCF memory was he responded, “My best memory of UCF was graduating with my degree. I was the first person in my immediate family to obtain a bachelor’s degree and it gave me a sense of pride. Since graduating, my best memory of UCF was attending the inaugural football game at Bright House Networks Stadium.”

His advice to current students and alumni is to continue to educate themselves for their career paths.

“Learning doesn’t stop at graduating and employers are constantly looking to maximize resources and do more with less. Becoming as irreplaceable an asset as you can is essential in today’s work environment. Network whenever and where ever possible. Join the UCF Alumni Association, utilize social networking such as Linkedin and keep up with technological changes and advancements.”

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